United States or Luxembourg ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

"O, dear," laughed Mary, "I think you'd better stop and take a good long breath, and get the we's and you's straightened." "I don't care," Helen went chattering on. "You know what I mean, just what we've done. We, you and I, is that right? were to come to her house and choose what kind of entertainment we wanted her to give, so you might meet my friends."

The country contained many valuable diamond mines, but these were unfortunately among mountains where serpents abounded; the miners had recourse to a strange device when collecting the precious stones, to protect themselves from these reptiles, which we may believe or not as we choose.

'There are things you might say to him and with your manner; because you have one when you choose. 'Very likely, but what is my manner to his? Besides, I have said everything to him. That is I have said the great thing, that he is making her immensely talked about. 'And of course in answer to that he has asked you how you know, and you have told him I have told you.

What's the next thing? 'Yes, dress is important; but I think the first thing to do is to choose pleasant rooms somewhere. You can't stay at this hotel, you know; besides, it must be very expensive. 'Yes, it is rather; but it is so handy and central. 'It is not central for society. 'Oh, isn't it? I was thinking of Westminster Abbey and Trafalgar Square, and that sort of thing.

Here is plenty of music to choose from." "No," he said, "something that you know by heart. The piece that you played in the Rue de Grenelle in the twilight on May the seventh." She looked at him with startled, wondering eyes, as if about to ask the explanation of such a curious request. Then her eyes dropped, and her colour rose, and she sat down at the piano.

"Because, for the last four months I have been so busy that I have really nothing to show you." "That is of no importance. I have every confidence in you." "Then," returned Andre, "all that we have to do is to choose a subject."

When, however, I mentioned my intentions to Uncle Kelson, he rather laughed at my notion. "An idle, conceited young puppy. What business has he to interfere with you or yours?" he exclaimed. "Because a girl, of whom he is utterly unworthy, does not choose to have anything to say to him, is he to set himself up and to look daggers at any man she may happen to marry? Let him alone.

If one must choose, take the upper Rhine that is a river deep and pure and sweet, and strong for bearing the fleets of war and peace because it is confined between banks and narrowed.

But everybody waited in vain to hear the answer. It did not come. "I shall not ask you again, Daisy." "Mamma," said the child low and modestly, but with steadiness, "I was praying." "Praying! were you! Why do you choose that particular time for your private devotions?" It was almost too much. The tears started in Daisy's eyes; but presently she answered, "Because God is good to us, mamma."

When there was nothing more to be done, Janet delighted herself with contemplating Mr. Tryan's study, first sitting down in the easy-chair, and then lying for a moment on the sofa, that she might have a keener sense of the repose he would get from those well-stuffed articles of furniture, which she had gone to Rotherby on purpose to choose.