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"We will bargain, Norhala," he answered calmly; the voice was deep, filled with sinister strength. "Bargain?" she laughed. "What have you with which to bargain, Cherkis? Does the rat bargain with the tigress? And you, toad, have nothing." He shook his head. "I have these," he waved a hand toward Ruth and her brother. "Me you may slay and mayhap many of mine.

"If it be your wish, O Queen, I, Cherkis, will step down from the throne for you and sit beneath your right hand, eager to do your bidding." A moment she studied him. "Norhala," I whispered, "do not do this thing. He thinks to gain your secrets." "Let my bridegroom stand forth that I may look upon him," called Norhala. Visibly Cherkis relaxed, as though a strain had been withdrawn.

Norhala's laughter had ceased. Somberly she looked upon Cherkis, into the devil fires of his eyes. "Cherkis!" she half whispered. "Now comes the end for you and for all that is yours! But until the end's end you shall see." The hanging body was thrust forward; was thrust up; was brought down upon its feet on the upper plane of the prostrate pyramid tipping the metal arm that held him.

"A parley," he shouted. "A parley, Norhala. If we give you the maid and man, will you go?" "Go get them," she answered. "And take with you this my command to Cherkis that HE return with the two!" For an instant Kulun hesitated. Up thrust the dreadful arms, poised themselves to strike. "It shall be so," he shouted. "I carry your command."

"But it's hurting her," he muttered, Ruth's eyes, soft and pleading, still dwelt upon him. "Hurting her!" exclaimed Ventnor. "Man she's my sister! I know what I'm doing. Can't you see? Can't you see how little of Ruth is in that body there how little of the girl you love? How or why I don't know but that it is so I DO know. Drake have you forgotten how Norhala beguiled Cherkis?

"If you will go without further knocking upon my gates" there was a satiric grimness in the phrase "go when you have been given them, and pledge yourself never to return you shall have them. If you will not, then they die." "But what security, what hostages, do you ask?" Her eyes were troubled. "I cannot swear by your gods, Cherkis, for they are not my gods in truth I, Norhala, have no gods.

And when Cherkis had had his will with my mother he threw her to his soldiers for their sport. "All of those who went with them he tortured and slew and he and his laughed at their torment. But one there was who escaped and told me me who was little more than a budding maid. He called on me to bring vengeance and he died.

And as the pin swings from the magnet when held suspended by the head, so swung the great body of Cherkis from the under side of the pyramid that held him. Hanging so he was carried toward us, came to a stop not ten feet from us Weird, weird beyond all telling was that scene and would I had the power to make you who read see it as we did.

There came a time when my father, driven by his longing, ventured forth to Ruszark, seeking friends to help him regain that place for these who obey me obeyed not him as they obey me; nor would he have marched them as I shall upon Ruszark if they had obeyed him. "Cherkis caught him. And Cherkis waited, knowing well that my mother would follow.

Between him and his crimson-clad son flashed a glance; it was as though a triumphant devil sped from them into each other's eyes. I saw Ruth shrink into Ventnor's arms. Up from the wall rose a jubilant shouting, was caught by the inner battlements, passed on to the crowded terraces. "Take Kulun," it was Drake, pistol drawn and whispering across to me. "I'll handle Cherkis. And shoot straight."