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Updated: December 11, 2024
Anne, knowing Grace was to be away, had accepted an invitation to go down to Ruth Denton's little room, help her cook supper, and spend the evening with her. "Oh, dear," sighed Grace, as she tried vainly to reach the two hooks of her dark blue charmeuse gown that seemed only a sixteenth of an inch out of reach, "I wish Anne were here.
I brought that along. I thought you might do something with it. They were horribly expensive made to order, you know. Then this cerise chiffon, all covered with sequins, is really too showy for a girl in your station, but in case you get a chance to act you might need it, and anyhow I never cared for it. It isn't becoming to me. Here's an indigo charmeuse with silver trimmings.
"Is my particular tangle very different from the general tangle? Mankind, all life, is that." "But our concern is the particular score of incompatible things you are urged to do. We examine and weigh we weigh " The doctor was still saying these words when a violent and ultimately disastrous struggle began between Sir Richmond and the little Charmeuse car. The doctor stopped in mid-sentence.
Joanna changed for it into smart, stiff silk blouses, with a great deal of lace and guipure about them, while Ellen wore a rest-gown of drifting black charmeuse. Mene Tekel was promoted from the dairy to be Ansdore's first parlourmaid, and wore a cap and apron, and waited at table.
The two ladies conversed desultorily of draped effects, charmeuse, and why Mattie Allen imagined that she could wear pink. Mrs. Heth ran on through the "Post." Carlisle put up "Pickwick," by Dickens, sticking in a box of safety matches to keep the place. Then she examined herself in the mirror over the mantel, and became intensely interested in a tiny redness over her left eyebrow.
"We had to stick around last night, Mil. Gert was drawing off the models under her handkerchief and on the dance program. That's how we got the yellow charmeuse, just by keeping after it and drawing it line for line." "I know, I know." "Then give me a kiss and when I come back maybe maybe I'll bring you a surprise up my sleeve, hon."
"I think we all need help, dear. As for Mr. Upton, you know," Mary spoke very gravely now, "you know about Mrs. Upton." "Of course I do, and what's better, I know her herself a little. Elle est charmeuse."
The wedding party was preceded by, a little flower girl, and a little boy beside her who carried the wedding rings on a pillow. Nellie was on her father's arm, daintily attired in white charmeuse with her tulle veil trimmed in orange blossoms, and her girl friends declared that she was the prettiest bride they had ever seen.
The noon appointments came so thick I had to send Eddie out to bring me a bite." "What kind of a day?" "Everything smooth but the designing-room. Gert done her best, but they don't take hold without you, hon. They can't even get in their heads that gold charmeuse idea Gert and I swiped at the Ritz last night." "Did you tell them I'll be back on the job next week, Phonzie?" "Nothing doing.
Blake, and I took the money that was to have been paid for my charmeuse, and slipped out to Mr. Dinkelspatcher's or whatever his name is and bought a meal. Well, we ate my dress, that's all, Ruth." "Why, Alice!" "And I wish we had it to eat over again," went on the other, with a half sigh. "I don't know what we are going to do for supper. How much have we in the purse?" "Only a few dollars."
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