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Sing, Syren, sing And swell me with revenge sweet as the straines Falls from the Thrasian lyre; charme each sence With musick of Revenge, let Innocence In softest tunes like the expiring Swann Dy singing her owne Epitaph. Alex. What meane you, sir? are you mad? goe to and goe to; you doe not use me well; I say and I say, you do not. Have I this for my love to you and your good Mother?

Moreover they will charme the keepers of the corps asleepe, neither can it be declared what meanes and shifts these wicked women do use, to bring their purpose to passe: and the reward for such dangerous watching is no more than foure or sixe shillings.

On entering the ballroom the regular hum of voices, footsteps, and greetings deafened Natasha, and the light and glitter dazzled her still more. The host and hostess, who had already been standing at the door for half an hour repeating the same words to the various arrivals, "Charme de vous voir," * greeted the Rostovs and Peronskaya in the same manner. * "Delighted to see you."

The only thing which can keep journalism alive journalism, which is born of the moment, serves the moment, and, as a rule, dies with the moment is again the Stevensonian secret! charm. Diderot, the prince of journalists, is the great instance of it in literature; the phrase "sous le charme" is of his own invention. But Mr.

To be told that I MUST see this, and ought to go there, because my casual neighbor was charme, has never presented itself to me as an adequate motive. From this you readily gather that I am severely taciturn at a table d'hote. I refrain from joining in the "delightful conversation" which flies across the table, and know that my reticence is attributed to "insular pride."

"C'est ne pas sans raison que monsieur F jouit d'une si grande reputation. Je n'ai plus de doutes, graces a Dieu et a monsieur F e. " "It is not without reason that monsieur Fizes enjoys such a large share of reputation. I have no doubts remaining; thank Heaven and monsieur Fizes." To this I received for answer. "Monsieur n'a plus de doutes: j'en suis charme. Receu douze livres. F , &c."

Pendant ce temps, le bruit courut qu'un prince Tartare nommé Sartach avoit embrassé le christianisme. Le baptême d'un prince infidèle étoit pour Louis une de ces béatitudes au charme desquelles il ne savoit pas résister. Il résolut d'envoyer une ambassade

O thou all-bearing earth Which men do gape for till thou cram'st their mouths And choak'st their throats for dust: O charme thy breast And let me sinke into thee. Look who knocks; Andrugio calls. But O, she's deafe and blinde. A wretch but leane relief on earth can finde.

"What tho' the floures be riche and rare of hue and fragrancie, What tho' the giver be kinde and fair, they have no charme for me. The wreathe whose brightest budde is gone is not ye wreathe I'de prise: I'de pluck another, and so passe on, with unregardfull eyes. And so the heart whose sweet resorte an hundred rivalls share May yielde a moment's passing sporte, but Love's an alyen there."

"C'est du charme toujurs du charme!" murmured Madame Bozier, studying with a wistful affection the dainty lines of Sylvie's slight figure, "And that is an even more fatal gift than beauty, chere petite!" "Du charme! You think that is it?