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In some places one table is set apart where a chaplain or secretary is always on duty to help the soldiers make their wills, find out their trains to London, answer their questions, or give them the friendly help they need. The Y M C A stands by the soldier to the last and even after he falls.

The uniform that I had so thoughtlessly donned seemed as difficult to get out of as the fatal shirt of You know, I forget the creature's name." "Yes, yes," said the Chaplain hurriedly. "Go on with your story." "Somehow, until I could get out of those compromising garments, I felt it would not be safe to surrender myself to the police.

The Little Chaplain said no more, but Febrer guessed the words which the good peasant had doubtless hurled against him, forgetting all respect in his anger, enraged over the trouble brought upon the family by his presence. The boy returned to the ranchhouse with his basket, muttering revenge, swearing that he would not return to the Seminary, although he knew no means of avoiding it.

Talents the younger, of Magdalene College, Chaplain to the Sheriffe; which I was glad to see, though not much acquainted with him. 23rd. Brisband. And there mighty good company.

"'We have no chickens, squalled an old woman from a second-story window, 'nor pigs, nor anything all gone. We are lone women. "'Only in the day-time, I reckon, said my orderly; the same fellow that winked at the chaplain. He was one of the roughest fellows that ever kept his breath over night.

After which there was an Irishman's hurricane, right up and down, for a day; then we got into these here trades, which have stood as steady as a ship's chaplain over a punch bowl, ever since." Here the topman closed his soliloquy, in order to agitate the tobacco again, it being impossible to conduct the process of chewing and talking at one and the same time.

'Mother, mother, you are good indeed! cried Anne, almost weeping for joy. Bertram, though hurt and offended, was obliged by advance of evening to remain all night in the hospitium, with only the chaplain to bear him company, and it was reported that though he rode past Blackpool, no trace of shepherd or hovel was found.

With these little plans in his mind the chaplain crept about the tea-table like a tame cat, and handed round cake and bread with his most winning smile. His pale face was even more inexpressive than usual, and none could have guessed, from outward appearance, his malicious intents least of all the trio he was with. They were too upright themselves to suspect evil in others.

The chaplain of the thirty-ninth regiment conducted the service, and I caused a slab of marble to be set up to mark the grave, inscribed simply with her name and the date of her death. This tomb, I have been told, still stands, and is pointed out to English visitors to Moorshedabad as the grave of the Englishwoman who was imprisoned in the Black Hole.

Beebe?" she asked thoughtfully. "I never said so!" he cried. "I consider him far above the average. I only denied " And he swept off on the subject of fences again, and was brilliant. "Now, a clergyman that I do hate," said she wanting to say something sympathetic, "a clergyman that does have fences, and the most dreadful ones, is Mr. Eager, the English chaplain at Florence.