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"Be jabers, though," argued Tim on my giving him this opinion of mine, "I can't say, sorr, as how we Christians be any the betther." "Why!" I exclaimed indignantly. "How can you say so?" "Begorra, sure we all thry to have our ray-ligion as chape as we can," replied he coolly.

Still, I must think it over and endeavour to take the matter in hand again." When they were outside, it occurred to Pierre to go as far as the basilica of the Sacred Heart in the hope of finding Abbe Rose there. So the three of them went round by way of the Rue Gabrielle and climbed the steps of the Rue Chape.

I suppose you were poor, and that tempted you. I am poor, too, and couldn't afford to lose it. But I'd rather starve than steal, and I hope you will not be dishonest again." "I won't!" said Jim, stoutly. "I'll go with you now to a chape hotel, and won't charge you nothin'." "I've got a boy downstairs who will take it. Don't forget what you said just now." "No, I won't," said Jim.

Faix, Pether, there's nothin' like givin' the people sweet words, any way; sure they come chape." * This is a kind of hyperbole for selling a grout quantity. "Faith, an' I'll back you for the sweet words agin any woman in the three kingdoms, Ellish, you darlin'. But don't you know the proverb, 'sweet words butther no parsnips."

Still, I must think it over and endeavour to take the matter in hand again." When they were outside, it occurred to Pierre to go as far as the basilica of the Sacred Heart in the hope of finding Abbe Rose there. So the three of them went round by way of the Rue Gabrielle and climbed the steps of the Rue Chape.

Andy hesitated, as if on the brink of a painful theme, and resumed with an effort: "He's bought Magpie and the two two-year-olds off of Peter Martin. Chape enough he got them, too, though he had to give ten shillin's a head more for them than Martin ped me." "Mavrone, but some people have the luck," said Mrs. Joyce.

Weel, away he trots to the castle, to tell his story, and there he is introduced to Sir John, sitting in his father's chair, in deep mourning, with weepers and hanging cravat, and a small wallring rapier by his side, instead of the auld broadsword that had a hundredweight of steel about it, what with blade, chape, and basket-hilt.

Well, you have all dealt wid me now for payment, and here goes to give you something for nothing an, in truth, it's a commodity that, although always chape, is seldom taken. 'Tis called good advice. The ladies God bless them, don't stand in need of it, for sure the darlins' never did anything from Eve downwards, that 'ud require it.

Anyhow, it's clane, and it came chape enough." He came out of the alley, leaving his old shirt behind him. Even if it had been worth carrying away, Jerry saw no use in possessing more than one shirt. It was his habit to wear one until it was ready to drop off from him, and then get another if he could.