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I'm thinkin' o' the poor wife an' childher, sir strivin', so I am, to do fwhor the darlins." "Poor soul," said the lady, "he is affectionate in the midst of his wretchedness and ignorance." "Here here," replied the Englishman, anxious to get rid of him, "there's a shilling, which I give because you appear to be attached to your family."

"They've spoke sharp words in me teeth," he continued, "and they'll pay for it. Bounce! sweat! brag! wind! is it? There's dancin' beyant this night, me darlins!" "Are you sure you'll not run away when they come on?" said Pierre, a little ironically. "Is that the word av a frind?" replied Macavoy, a hand fumbling in his hair. "Did you never run away when faced?" Pierre asked pitilessly.

Droid, that he lived in a cave, you understan'? Wasn't his face like the sun comin' up over the lake at Ballinhoe in the month of June! Well, it doesn't matter if you've niver seen Ballinhoe you understan' what I mean. Well, then come out intil the gardin, darlins. Shure, I'm achin' to tell you the story as fine a love-story as iver was told to man and woman."

The hands were wrinkled; the face was cold; the body was wet: the man was drowned and dead. "Divils me darlins, it's a memory I have of a time whin luck wasn't foldin' her arms round me, and not so far back aither, and I on the wallaby track hot-foot for the City o' Gold." Shon McGann said this in the course of a discussion on the prosperity of Pipi Valley.

At length it was over, and Owen rose to depart; he stood for a minute on the floor, and seemed to take a survey of his cold, cheerless house, and then of his family; he cleared his throat several times, but did not speak. "Kathleen," said he, at length, "in the name of God I'll go; and may his blessin' be about you, asthore machree, and guard you and these darlins till I come back to yez."

Your father knows me well. I remember of one time when the hounds was crossing my land, and I seen yourself and your sisther taking the hur'ls. I cries out to ye 'me heart'd rise at ye, my darlins! and the Major, he laughs!" "I remember jumping the hurdles," said Christian; "I'll tell my father I met you." "He gave me permission to cut the 'looha' in these fields," resumed Peter Callaghan.

Droid, that he lived in a cave, you understan'? Wasn't his face like the sun comin' up over the lake at Ballinhoe in the month of June! Well, it doesn't matter if you've niver seen Ballinhoe you understan' what I mean. Well, then come out intil the gardin, darlins. Shure, I'm achin' to tell you the story as fine a love-story as iver was told to man and woman."

"An' would you wish to die, mother?" "Only for your sake, Atty, and for the sake of the other darlins, if it was the will of God, I would; and," she added, with a feeling of indescribable anguish, "what have I now to live for but to see you all about me in misery and sorrow!" The tears as she spoke ran silently, but bitterly, down her cheeks.

"Ah," she said, "I am asleep and don't waken me; if it wasn't for your sakes, darlins, it's I that long to be in that sleep that we will never waken from; but sure, lost in misery as we are, what could yez do without me still?" "What do you mane, mammy?" said Atty; "sure doesn't everybody that goes to sleep waken out of it?" "No, darlin'; there's a sleep that nobody wakens from."

I am glad of it; but still, how will I enther the cabin, and not hear their voices? But the other poor creatures! musn't I do something for them, or they will go too? Yes, yes, but whisht! what noise is that? Ha! a coach. Now for it. May God support me! Here comes the battle for the little ones for the poor weak hand that's not able to carry the drink to its lips. Poor darlins!