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Certo tempore anni percutitur stipes arboris vndique prope terram cum securi, et cortex in locis pluribus vulneratur, de quibus recipitur liquor spissus, qui desiccatus ad solis aestum et contritus reddit farinam albam, ac si de frumento esset confectus, attamen hic panis non est triticei saporis, sed alterius valde boni.

Bartelommeo took the telescope in his turn and evidently agreed with the leading guide. "A party has fallen on Corvatsch," said Pietro gravely. "Two men are clinging to a ledge. It is not a bad place; but they cannot move. They must be injured, and there may be others below." "Let us go to their assistance," said Spencer instantly. "Per certo, sigñor. That is the law of the hills. But the sigñora?

I believe it was not an intermittent, for I took of my own head physick yesterday; and Celsus says, it seems, that if a cathartick be taken the fit will return certo certius. I would bear something rather than Celsus should be detected in an error. But I say it was a febris continua, and had a regular crisis. Piozzi Letters, i. 89.

Silvis, ubi passim Palantes error certo de tramite pellit, Ille sinistrorsum, hic dextrorsum abit; unus utrique Error, sed variis illudit partibus. As Wolfe strode away from the inn, he muttered to himself, "Can it be that Mordaunt has suddenly grown rich? If so, I rejoice at it. True, that he was not for our cause, but he had the spirit and the heart which belonged to it.

Silvis, ubi passim Palantes error certo de tramite pellit, Ille sinistrorsum, hic dextrorsum abit; unus utrique Error, sed variis illudit partibus. As Wolfe strode away from the inn, he muttered to himself, "Can it be that Mordaunt has suddenly grown rich? If so, I rejoice at it. True, that he was not for our cause, but he had the spirit and the heart which belonged to it.

Diffugimus visu exsangues, illi agmine certo Laocoonta petunt . . . Aeneid, ii. 212-213. Here the force is presented to us as terrible also; and contemplative sublimity passes into the pathetic. We see that force enter really into strife with man's impotence. Whether it concerns Laocoon or ourselves is only a question of degree.

He calls himself 'un certo omiciatto, che non è nessun di voi che veggendolo non l'avesse a noia, pensando che egli abbia fatto una commedia; and begs the audience to damn his play to save him the tedium of writing another. Criticised by the light of his subsequent actions, this prologue may even be understood to contain a covert promise of the murder he was meditating.

Non jam prima peto Mnesttheus, neque vincere certo: Quanquam O! Sed superent, quibus Hoc, Neptune, dedisti. MR. HARDING, When I sent you my former papers, I cannot say I intended you either good or hurt, and yet you have happened through my means to receive both. I pray God deliver you from any more of the latter, and increase the former.

The contrast between the two tenses is thus made more pointed. Cf. 3 et diximus et dicemus. CERTO SCIO: one of the best MSS., followed by some editors, has here certe scio. A. 151, c. SED: the idea implied is, 'but though I well know you do not need such consolation, I have yet resolved to address my book to you'. OCCURREBAS DIGNUS: a condensed construction for occurrebat te digmim esse.

Per certo, padre mio, mala cosa dee essere questo diavolo, e veramente nimico di Iddio ché ancora all'inferno, non che altrui duole quando, egli v'è dentro rimesso. Disse Rustico: Figliuola, egli non averr