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It will be remembered that King James, anxious to further the plans of his favorite, Carr, was too willing to have the marriage annulled and brought great pressure to bear upon the members of the court.

He'd be a nice fellow if he wasn't picked at so much. It never does a fellow any good to be picked at, now does it, Miss Carr?" "No: I don't think it does." "I say," continued Mr. Eels, "I've seen you young ladies up at Hillsover, haven't I? Aren't you both at the Nunnery?" "Yes. It's vacation now, you know." "I was sure I'd seen you. You had a room on the side next the President's, didn't you?

G.G. went to Australia; no doubt of that; friend of his got a letter or two from him while there: last one enclosed two ten-pound notes, borrowed by G.G. before he went out. Last letter said been up to the diggings; very successful; coming home with his money, mentioned ship he meant to sail in. Hadn't been in Australia twelve months." "Who was the friend?" asked Mr. Carr.

Orders were issued that at the sound of the charge the whole command was to rush into the village. As we halted on the summit of the hill overlooking the still unsuspecting Sioux, General Carr called to his bugler: "Sound the charge!" The bugler, in his excitement, forgot the notes of the call. Again the general ordered "Sound the charge!" and again the musician was unable to obey the command.

Jim and I were both too astonished to speak. "Yes," said Tom Carr, "we were just starting after you when we saw you coming. We're going to take Sours's horses and the cow in the box-car. I just sent Andrew over after them and the chickens, too, if he can catch them." I don't know how it was, but my face flushed up as hot as if it had been on fire.

For me, in this story of Rochester, Overbury, Frances Howard, and the rest, the point of tragedy, the most poignant of the issues, is the betrayal by Robert Carr of Overbury's friendship. Though this story is essentially, or should be, that of the two women who were linked in fate with Rochester and his coadjutor, I am constrained to linger for a moment on that point.

The room was hot by comparison with outdoors. He looked about. Carr's woman motioned him to a chair. Opposite him the youngest Carr squatted like a brown Billiken on a wolfskin. Every detail of that room was familiar. There was the heavy, homemade chair wherein Sam Carr was wont to sit and read. Close by it stood Sophie's favorite seat.

With Yellow Barbee had come John Carr, Longstreet and Helen, and two of the Desert Valley men, Chuck Evans and Dave Terril. They looked swiftly from Howard to the two men whom he had shot, then curiously at Howard again. 'Jim Courtot, Al? asked Carr, for Monte Devine's face was in shadow. Howard shook his head. 'No such luck, John, he said briefly. 'Just Monte Devine and Ed True.

Flora turned her back on the Colonel, looking out of the window, and her small foot beating the ground with nervous irritation. "It was given out that Darrell intended to marry again," said Mr. Vyvyan. "A man of that sort requires a very superior highly-educated woman; and if Miss Carr Vipont had been a little more of his age she would have just suited him.

Miss Carr did her best to provide interest and amusement, but there was a constraint between the old lady and her ward, which was as new as it was painful. Lettice was conscious that she was in disgrace.