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He came tramping along on snowshoes with his little hunting toboggan behind him on which was lashed his caribou robe, his tea-pail, his kit bag, and a haunch of young moose as a present to Amik and his wife. In his hand he carried his gun in a moose-skin case. He was a good-looking young fellow, and wore the regulation cream-coloured H. B. capote with hood and turned-back cuffs of dark blue.

Ah, there are quantities of worm-eaten fields my friends the trenches and that town with the canal going through it must be M . Right beside the capote of my engine, showing through the white cloth a silver snake the Rhine! What, not a quarter to six, and I left the field at five! Thirty-two hundred metres. Let's go north and have a look at the map.

On a certain dark 4th of February, picture the village of Kaskaskia assembled on the river-bank in capote and hood. Ropes are cast off, the keel-boat pushes her blunt nose through the cold, muddy water, the oars churn up dirty, yellow foam, and cheers shake the sodden air.

Forrest's steamer-cap, bumped off in the collision, rode helplessly astern on the crest of the hissing wave. "But I couldn't swim like your cap. Do take my Tam," she cried, tearing off her knitted head-gear and letting her soft, fair curls whip out into so many briny strings. "I'll use this," he shouted, turning up the capote of his ulster, while the cape thrashed furiously in the wind.

"Fig of Eden," muttered Jules Marmotte, with one eye on Jeanne, "any fool could saw a better-looking thing out of ice!" "Fish," said fat Caroche the butcher, "that Francois has a rattle in his capote. He'd spend his time better chipping bones on my meat-block." But Jeanne could not bear this the greasy whopping butcher-man!

In a few seconds they had the satisfaction of seeing Dick Prince rise, holding poor La Roche by the collar of his capote with his left hand, while he swam vigorously towards the shore with his right.

He came on board at Detroit, and as soon as we were under way he exchanged his hat for a cloth cap embroidered with Indian bead-work; and when the cold air, precursor of the gale, struck us on Huron, he wrapped himself in a large capote made of skins, with the fur inward. In times of danger formality drops from us.

If he could only get at his knife, he might be able to effect something; but his knife was beneath his capote, in his belt, and both his hands were occupied, the one with supporting the drowning man, the other with preventing himself from slipping further. He wanted to speak to Strangeways, but he could not think of any words which were not so trivial as to sound blasphemous on such an occasion.

There, putt off yer capote; if yer at all like me ye'll not be fit to taste a morsel till yer in yer shirt sleeves. Howld I'll hang it on the peg for 'ee. Now thin, go to work. Don't spare it. Faix, there's plinty more where that came from, though there ain't much variety here. It's pig for breakfast, pig for dinner, an' pig for supper wid a slice o' cowld pig at odd times whin yer extra hungry.

Now it had never occurred to me that my outward appearance savoured not a little of the bandit a poet has written about "the dark Suliote, in his shaggy capote" etc., conveying the idea of a very ferocious-looking fellow but I believe that my appearance fully realized the description, as far as outward semblance was concerned; so, evidently, thought the worthy clergyman when, cautiously approaching his hall-door, he beheld through the glass window the person whose reiterated ringing had summoned him hastily from his early slumbers.