United States or Sierra Leone ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

Their population is generally made up of the descendants of those nations, married and interwoven together, and occasionally crossed with a slight dash of the Indian. The French character, however, floats on top, as, from its buoyant qualities, it is sure to do, whenever it forms a particle, however small, of an intermixture.

Stimulated by the society of her energetic, buoyant little neighbor, she no longer seemed wishful or pensive, but kindled into a perfect flame of wild delight, and gamboled about the shore like a blue and gold-winged fly; while her bursts of laughter made the squirrels and blue jays look out inquisitively from their fastnesses in the old evergreens.

If the young lady was familiar with all the buoyant audacity of your irrepressible nature, perhaps it would be different. No, young man, I fear I must ask you to do your own explaining." "Me?" says I, gawpin'. "We will call on Miss Hampton about four-thirty," says he. And say, Mr.

Fortunately, we were not very greatly crowded; so that, despite the weight of our party and that of our provisions and water, the boat was fairly buoyant, and we shipped nothing heavier than spray; but my heart ached as I thought of the poor women and children cooped up in the long-boat, and pictured to myself their too probable piteous condition of cold and wet and misery.

In these young men I felt America's buoyant confidence and irresistible will-to-do. In them I saw, too, a devout America, humble before God. And so, I know with all my heart and I deeply believe that all Americans know that, despite the anxieties of this divided world, our faith, and the cause in which we all believe, will surely prevail.

Clio was sitting up, regarding them with sparkling eyes. She was refreshed, buoyant, ravenously hungry and highly amused. Costigan was amazed and annoyed at what he considered a failure in a self-appointed task; Bradley was calm and matter-of-fact. "Thanks for being such a nice bodyguard, you two," Clio laughed again, but sobered quickly.

Strangely enough, as it would seem, except for this buoyant determination to make the best of everything, they hardly appear to recognize the difference of the climate from that which they had left. After almost three years' experience, Winslow says, he can scarce distinguish New England from Old England, in respect of heat and cold, frost, snow, rain, winds, etc.

The prairie life had given a shining quality to her handsomeness, an air of depth and firmness, an exquisite health and clearness to the colour in her cheeks. Her step was as light as Nancy's, elastic and buoyant a gliding motion which gave a sinuous grace to the movements of her body.

In his place I should feel that, if a buoyant nature is a virtue, I didn’t get much reward." The gong sounded just then, and they all went down to lunch, not at all saddened by the sight of their comrade’s empty chair. "Now, what are we going to do next?" Clover demanded as they finished the bouillon. "Have a meat course, I suppose," said Mitchell.

They could run the whole gamut of emotions, or they could be impervious as a stone wall. Now they were deep and innocent as a girl's, now they rollicked with the buoyant youth in them. Comrades might see them bubbling with fun, and the next moment enemies find them opague as a leaden sky.