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Why should not the gospel be preached to these our brothers, and souls won for Christ from among them? And in outlying germs of settlements like the 'Corner, which are the centre of districts of sparse population, such ignorance as this of young Bunting's, though rare elsewhere in Canada or the States, is far from uncommon among the rising generation.

Nearer and nearer came the thudding sounds, treading heavily on the kitchen stairs, and Mrs. Bunting's heart began to beat as if in response. She put out the flame of the gas-ring, unheedful of the fact that the cheese would stiffen and spoil in the cold air. Then she turned and faced the door.

Bunting came out on the landing. The hour was about four, and the ultimate darkness of the night was past. There was a faint shimmer of light in the hall, but the study doorway yawned impenetrably black. Everything was still except the faint creaking of the stairs under Mr. Bunting's tread, and the slight movements in the study.

Darting forward, he endeavoured to throw his captor down, and partially succeeded; but Captain Bunting's spirit was fully roused, and, like most powerful men whose dispositions are habitually mild and peaceful, he was in a blaze of uncontrollable passion.

There was a graver and more lengthy reply to that communication; but the fates forbade that Harry should read Mrs Bunting's in time.

Bunting, that I never do see Miss Daisy alone," he repeated. "I hear now that she's going away Monday, and I've only once had the chance of a walk with her. Mrs. Bunting's very particular, not to say pernickety in her ideas, Mr. Bunting " "That's a fault on the right side, that is with a young girl," said Bunting thoughtfully. And Chandler nodded.

And then, through the closed door of the sitting-room, came the sound of Bunting coughing it was just a little, hard cough, but Mrs. Bunting's future lodger started violently. "Who's that?" he said, putting out a hand and clutching her arm. "Whatever was that?" "Only my husband, sir. He went out to buy a paper a few minutes ago, and the cold just caught him, I suppose."

She also would pretend to be amazed, shocked, unutterably horrified at the astounding revelation. "There he is at last, and I'm glad of it, Ellen. 'Tain't a night you would wish a dog to be out in." Bunting's voice was full of relief, but he did not turn round and look at his wife as he spoke; instead, he continued to read the evening paper he held in his hand.

She had felt a chill go right through her as she had stood, even for that second, at the front door. And she hadn't been alone to feel it, for, "I say, it is jolly to be in here, out of that awful cold!" exclaimed Chandler, sitting down heavily in Bunting's easy chair. And then Mrs. Bunting bethought herself that the young man was tired, as well as cold.

What amusing things Daisy would be able to tell about her visit to Margaret! The girl had an excellent gift of mimicry. And Margaret, with her precise, funny ways, her perpetual talk about "the family," lent herself to the cruel gift. And then Mrs. Bunting's mind her poor, weak, tired mind wandered off to young Chandler.