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His radicalism is of a sound type, I think. He is a regular bear at economics and he is even better at the humanity business, the brother-man stuff. He is really sound there." "I can guess what you mean," said his father, "though I don't quite catch on to all your jargon. But I confess that I suspect there is a whole lot of nonsense associated with these theories."

For it would be a faith not hedged round with many of the difficulties and objections which beset other forms of doctrine, and it offers distinct and pungent motives for trying to lead a more Christian life, and for loving and helping our brother-man."

Surely there are many motives that may induce persons to help others in their distress; but what is the chief Christian motive, if it be not the love we bear our brother-man because he is, like ourselves, a child of God, and the desire we have to obey God, who wishes us to help the needy? The sufferings of others excite our pity, and the more we love them the more sorry are we to see them suffer.

The response was unanimous and in thunder-tones "NO!" "Will you succor and protect him as a brother-man a resident of the old Bay State?"

"See here, Drennie, I know perfectly well that I'm a sheer imbecile to reveal the fact that you've made me mad. It pleases you too perfectly. It makes you happier than is good for you, but " "It's a terrible thing to make me happy, isn't it?" she inquired, sweetly. "Unspeakably so, when you derive happiness from the torture of your fellow-man." "My brother-man," she amiably corrected him.

He got his compensation in the thought that his loss was another's gain. That, indeed, was not to be accounted loss which had gone to a brother-man whose needs were greater than his own. Garrison's forecast of the future, directly after the annexation of Texas, proved singularly correct.

He was no longer a brother-man, opening the chambers of the dungeons of our common nature by the key of holy sympathy, which gave him a right to share in all its secrets; he was now a cold observer, looking on mankind as the subject of his experiment, and, at length, converting man and woman to be his puppets, and pulling the wires that moved them to such degrees of crime as were demanded for his study.

It is the consideration of facts of this kind which enables us to understand the origin and importance of what are called "conventions" in pictorial or glyptic art. The artist is, in fact, operating by means of his painted canvas or moulded clay upon a queer, prejudiced, ill-seeing, dull, living creature his brother-man.

It is the knowledge that their Divine Saviour is their Brother-man that gives to believing sufferers boldness and confidence as they draw nigh to the throne of grace. Prophecy in the sense of prediction is a very interesting and important branch of Christian evidence.

All the numberless persons and things pass him on both sides and he sees none of them takes no notice of anything. But he spies a man in Berners Street, in the middle of a small crowd, showing them some tricks we won't say so good as yours, Mr. Franks, but he stops, and stares, and forgets for a moment or two that there is one brother-man he hates and would kill if he could."