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He protected his brother. "Yale took issue on the point, and as a result the athletic relationship was suspended. "It was in this game that Bronc Armstrong established the world's brief record for staying in the game. He was on the field for twenty seconds then was ruled out. I think Frank Hinkey is the greatest end that was ever on a field.

"She looks to me like the sort of youngster who could keep a family pretty well stirred up," he added, candidly. "Girls have changed sence you and me was young, Scotty." "You've said it," was the terse reply. "If you can believe what these magazine fellers write," went on the engineer, pensively, "the girl of to-day is a sort of mixture of bronc, ostrich, and rattlesnake thrown in.

At the top of the next grade the lathering, restive ponies finally settled to a stubborn trot. "Mad clean through," said Collie. "I should say they were behaving well enough," said the doctor, not as much as an opinion as to relieve his tense nerves in speech. "When a bronc' gets to acting ladylike, then is the time to look out," said Collie. "Boyar and Apache have never been in harness before.

"'She's gone riding, I whisper in my bronc's ear, 'with Birdstone Jack, the hired mule from Sheep Man's Canada. Did you get that, old Leather-and-Gallops? "That bronc of mine wept, in his way. He'd been raised a cow pony and he didn't care for snoozers. "I went back and said to Uncle Emsley: 'Did you say a sheep man? "'I said a sheep man, says Uncle Emsley again.

"I git y'. Say, Mister, go slow with this gasoline bronc' of your'n! Y' know I'd like t' see little old Cheyenne oncet more before I check in," this to the chauffeur, as the taxicab shaved the flank of a street car going at high speed, then caromed to rub axles with a brother machine.

"They couldn't hit us from the Steelman location. Too far," said Bob. "And I don't reckon any one would try to do that." "No, but they might get to wondering what we're doing up here." "I'm wonderin' that myself," drawled Hart. "Most generally when I take a pasear it's on the back of a bronc.

Last night when he came back he was wild. I've not seen him to-day. He made all the other men but Hal and Joe stay home on the ranch." "Right. An' John must stay, too," declared Dale. "But it's strange. Carmichael ought to have found the girl's tracks. She was ridin' a pony?" "Bo rode Sam. He's a little bronc, very strong and fast." "I come across his tracks. How'd Carmichael miss them?"

The immediate stampede for the cow ponies was averted by a warning chug-chug that sounded down the road, followed by the appearance of a flashing whir that made the ponies dance on their hind legs. "The gasoline bronc lady sure makes a hit with me," announced "Texas," gravely. "I allow I'll rustle a job with the Lazy D outfit."

"Powder River bucked after he was roped an' tried to break away. The other horse, like any good cowpony does, leaned back on the rope an' dug a toe-hold." "Where's Houck going?" "Brown's Park likely, from the way they're headed." "What'll we do?" "Why, drap in on them to-night kinda casual an' say 'Much obliged for roundin' up our stray bronc for us." This programme did not appeal to Bob.

Claims he's got a trained bronc I can show on." "Me, I'm gonna be busy as a dog with fleas," said Kirby. "I got to find out who killed my uncle. Suspicion rests on me, on a man named Hull, on the Jap servant, an' on Wild Rose." "On Wild Rose!" exclaimed Cole, in surprise. "Have they gone crazy?" "The police haven't got to her yet, old-timer.