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"Well," cried the Admiral, growing tired of sitting so long upon a fallen trunk, "what conclusion do you feel inclined to come to? 'Tis a fine breezy place to clear the brain, and a briny air to sharpen the judgment." "Only one tree need come down this crooked one at the southeast corner." Captain Stubbard began to swing his arms about, like a windmill uncertain of the wind.

There is a clatter; the casement is blown open, and the light is blown out, and through the gap whistles the cool, briny breath of the Atlantic, and I can almost feel the wash of the white spray in my hair. Better a stable cell in the Castle of the Mota to-night than a tumbling berth in the San Margarita.

A strong, damp, briny breath came up to us, and a vast murmur as if thousands of unseen, mysterious, deep-voiced spirits were chanting some wonderful religious service. "Whoa!" with a heavy lurch the yellow post-chaise, in which we had performed the second day's journey, came to a stand. We had arrived before the old stone ark that was to be our home for half a year.

Far to the contrary, we bid ourselves remember the sons of whom we are; instead of revelling in the fruits of Commerce, we shoot scornfully past those blazing bellied windows of the aromatic dinners, and beyond Thames, away to the fishermen's deeps, Old England's native element, where the strenuous ancestry of a race yet and ever manful at the stress of trial are heard around and aloft whistling us back to the splendid strain of muscle, and spray fringes cloud, and strong heart rides the briny scoops and hillocks, and Death and Man are at grip for the haul.

The bridge resounds in one continued peal as the coach rolls on without a pause, merely affording the toll-gatherer a glimpse at the sleepy passengers, who now bestir their torpid limbs and snuff a cordial in the briny air. The morn breathes upon them and blushes, and they forget how wearily the darkness toiled away.

Smash every oar! double 'em up or break 'em!" "Every devil's imp of you, pull! No talking; lay back to it; now or never!" On dashed the boat, cleaving its way through the rough sea, as if the briny element were blue smoke. The whale, however, turned flukes before we could reach him.

Bewailing his bride, The cock, bald and bare, Sobs loud in despair; The pipal tree grieves By shedding its leaves; The buffalo mourns By casting her horns; The stream, weeping fast, Grows briny at last; The cuckoo with sighs Blinds one of its eyes; Bhagtu's grief so intense is, He loses his senses; The maidservant wailing Has taken to railing; The Queen, joy enhancing, Takes refuge in dancing; To aid the mirth coming, The Prince begins drumming; To join in it with her The King strums the zither!

It was amid this gloom of human agony, these heartrending scenes of real mourning, that the brilliant star shone to disperse the clouds which hovered over our drooping heads, to dry the hot briny tears which were parching up our miserable vegetating existence it was in this crisis that Marie Antoinette came, like a messenger sent down from Heaven, graciously to offer the balm of comfort in the sweetest language of human compassion.

And the vision extended and then narrowed helplessly to a home in one of the forlorn houses in Wallencamp by the sea, with its dingy walls and bare floors, its general confusion of objects and misery, and my lord's grand eyes obscured, perchance, behind clouds of tobacco smoke, while I set the scanty table and fried the briny herrings.

"Then I suppose it's 'Five o'clock tea! Ever to thee Faithful I'll be, Five o'clock tea!" laughed Lady Muriel, as she sat down to the piano, and lightly struck a few random chords. "Not quite: and yet it is a kind of 'ever to thee faithful I'll be! It's a pair of hapless lovers: he crosses the briny deep: and she is left lamenting."