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There was increased gayety as they seated themselves about the large table, a silly noise of pretended felicitation over a calamity that not even the tenth Earl of Brinstead had been able to avert. And then Belknap-Jackson beckoned me aside. "I want your help, old chap, in case it's needed," he began. "The wedding breakfast and reception?" I said quite cynically. "You've thought of it? Good!

Even so, the tenth Earl of Brinstead had dined publicly with them. More than repaid they were for the slight the Honourable George had put upon them in the affair of the pianoforte artist. An hour later Belknap-Jackson had me on by telephone. His voice was not a little worried. "I say, is his lordship, the Earl, subject to spells of any sort?

I took it from him, staring staring until my knees grew weak. Across the page in clarion type rang the unbelievable words: BRITISH PEER WINS AMERICAN BRIDE His Lordship Tenth Earl of Brinstead to Wed One of Red Gap's Fairest Daughters My hands so shook that in quick subterfuge I dropped the sheet, then stooped for it, trusting to control myself before I again raised my face.

But as usual, here I am at the mercy of circumstances. We couldn't well subject Brinstead to those loathsome public conveyances." We waited in the usual throng of the leisured lower-classes who are so naively pleased at the passage of a train. I found myself picturing their childish wonder had they guessed the identity of him we were there to meet.

I dare say it was a sort of poisonous intoxication that I should all at once declare: "His lordship tenth Earl of Brinstead and Marmaduke Ruggles are two men; one has made an acceptable peer and one an acceptable valet, yet the twain are equal, and the system which has made one inferior socially to the other is false and bad and cannot endure."

The Klondike person dispatched her commissions in a superbly leisured manner, attentively accompanied by the Earl of Brinstead bearing packages for her. Belknap-Jackson, at the wheel, stared straight ahead. I am told he bore himself with dignity even when some of our more ingenuous citizens paused to converse with him concerning his new motor-car.

My own birthday, it is also chosen by the French as one on which to celebrate with carnival some one of those regrettable events in their own distressing past. To begin with, the day was marked first of all by the breezing in of his lordship the Earl of Brinstead, brother of the Honourable George, on his way to England from the Engadine.

"Tea will be served in half an hour, your er Brinstead," announced his host cordially, although seemingly at a loss how to address him. "Quite so, what, what! Tea, of course, of course! Why wouldn't it be? Meantime, if you don't mind, I'll have a word with Ruggles. At once." Belknap-Jackson softly and politely withdrew at once.

He will come at once, and the Honourable George will be told what. His lordship has never failed. He tells him what perfectly, and that's quite all to it. The poor chap will be saved." My caller was profoundly stirred. "Coming here to Red Gap his lordship the Earl of Brinstead actually coming here! My God! This is wonderful!"

A note to my friend, 'the bearer, the Honourable George Augustus Vane-Basingwell, brother of his lordship the Earl of Brinstead, will take great pleasure in escorting to my home You get the idea? Not bad!" Again I applauded, resolving that for once the Honourable George would be suitably attired even if I had to bully him.