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"You two fellows came out, in the first work of the squad, and did stunts that filled us all with hope," pursued Brayton severely. "Then, suddenly, you failed to show up any more. And all this, despite the fact that we have the poorest eleven the Army has shown in six years." "Only men well up in their academic work are allowed to play on the eleven, replied Dick.

Brayton that the boys under his command at this moment would have gasped had they been told that Brayton was considered one of the easiest and best-natured of the cadet corporals. Brayton had his work to do that was all. It was part of his own training to learn how to whip an awkward squad into time in the shortest possible order.

A rousing cheer ascended from the Lehigh seats when the visiting college team trotted out on the field. Hearty, courteous applause from the Army seats also greeted the visitors. The band played as soon as the first Lehighs were seen coming on to the field. "Team fall in!" shouted Brayton, at last "Substitutes to the rear. Forward!" Out of the gym. stepped these young champions of the Army.

"Have we made a mistake in Prescott and Holmes?" asked the coach. "What do you think, sir!" asked Brayton. "If we had had that pair in training from the outset," replied the Army officer, "I'm satisfied that they would have made a better showing. Lehigh isn't a particularly strong team, but they have one of the best right-end assaults that I've seen in some time.

For a while afterward it had looked as though that, would be the score for the game -two to nothing. "If Brayton uses Prescott just right, and doesn't call on them too often, they'll get the ball over the Navy's goal line yet," confided Lieutenant Carney to a brother officer who stood at his side. "The Navy line-up is a great one this year," replied his comrade.

A few days later he went to Hazlan of his own accord and gave up his gun to Raines. He wouldn't shake hands with old Brayton, he said, nor with any other man who would hire another man to do his "killin';" but he promised to fight no more, and he kept his word. A flood followed on New Year's day.

'Who in thunderation are you? sez he. 'You're Bill Brayton, of Tennessee, fightin' in the rebel army, when you ought to know better, says I. 'Now, who in thunderation am I? 'Sufferin' Moses! says he, 'that voice grows more like his every time he speaks.

"Of course, Mr. Dodge, you know what we found there. Brayton, you don't so you will interested in seeing the things. Milesy, be good enough to spread the collection on that table. Here, you see, first of all, is the cuff of yesterday. Even the writing, in India ink, remains on it. And here are reddish stains, made by the impact of that cuff with the tan-bark of the riding hall.

"See here, you coldfeet," began the captain of the Army eleven sternly, "what do you two mean by staying in here and boning dry facts?" "Just to avoid being drowned in goat's milk," smiled Dick, turning a page and looking up. Brayton, regardless of these heroic efforts to study, threw one leg across the corner of the study table.

Gone were all the doubts concerning Prescott and Holmes. Now they were the most sensational players in the Army team. Justly Brayton received his full share of credit both for taking on Prescott and Holmes at the eleventh hour, and also for carrying out so cleverly his own captain's part of the strategy that had won. Lehigh's team went off the field dejected.