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A moment later the rushing train is brought to a stop, inside half its own length. Even now nobody knew why it had been stopped, nor what danger threatened it. It was not until the engineman left his cab, and discovered the senseless form of Brakeman Joe lying across the rails, less than a hundred feet away, that he knew why he had been signalled.

Speaking of the matter later in the morning, the brakeman said it didn't seem ten seconds after he had pulled the bell-rope and given the alarm before Lieutenant Stuyvesant, a tall, slim figure in pajamas and slippers, came bounding to his aid.

It was his duty to accompany the engine." "But why didn't he refuse to allow it to move?" "He was forced to submit by threats of personal injury made by this brakeman fellow. Isn't that so?" asked Snyder, and the fireman nodded an assent. The sheriff smiled as he glanced first at the burly form of the fireman and then at Rod's comparatively slight figure.

"And then they looked around very slowly, the way you do when you think something is going to happen and you don't know just what it will be, and there in the seat back of them was the brakeman and he was holding that kitten! "When he opened the car door he found her squeezed up in a corner of the top step, where she had ridden all that long way.

At Sicklen he had been put off by a heartless brakeman and had started to walk to Ashton. It was evening and he became tired. After walking as far as the north end of the cut he laid down and went to sleep behind a pile of old ties. He was awakened by the sound of voices near by, and listening intently, he learned that the men were outlaws and intended to hold up the flyer that night.

"If that pesky brakeman don't remember to wake me, you give me a poke with your elbow. I wouldn't be carried beyond North Platte for love or money." She gurgled, she snored. The sunset was fading from pink to gold a gold like somebody's hair; and from gold to lemon which tinted all the prairie and made it beautiful.

Albert clutched his valise, and pulled his cap firmly down on his head. "Here goes!" he muttered. "Hold y'r breath!" shouted the brakeman. Albert swung himself to the platform before the station a platform of planks along which the snow was streaming like water. "Good-night!" shouted the brakeman. "Good-night!" "All-l abo-o-o-ard!" called the conductor somewhere in the storm.

We paid quite freely for our brief monopoly of the railroad to the superintendent, engineer, stoker, poker, switch-tender, brakeman, baggage-master, and every other official in one.

At first Hale thought that she had shrunk from kissing him in the car because other people were around. He knew better now. At that moment he was as rough and dirty as the chain-carrier opposite him, who was just in from a surveying expedition in the mountains, as the sooty brakeman who came through to gather up the fares as one of those good-natured, profane inebriates up in the corner.

I want to find Aaron Harrington, but I've had two mishaps. I don't know what's coming next." "I'll show you right where his office is. I've been in Harrowtown a good many times." Half an hour later, the brakeman shouted the name of the station where they must stop. Lyman assisted Mr. Randal off the train, and walked with him to the principal street. "Here's Mr. Harrington's office," said he.