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At dinner we laid ourselves out to impress our host. We told him of the mile-wide fields of the west, and enlarged upon the stoneless prairies of Dakota. We described the broadcast seeders they used in Minnesota and bragged of the amount of hay we could put up, and both of us professed a contempt for two-wheeled carts. In the end we reduced our prospective employer to humbleness.

'Such a face as this should send us all to re-reading his works again. Then turning to the bust of Tennyson, by Woolner, which stood near, he said, 'The more I think of this bust and the grand self-assertion in it, the more I like it.... Emerson came in after the club dinner; Longfellow also. Mrs. G was present, and bragged grandly, and was very smart in talk.

The children followed, gathering the beets into great piles for Mr. Lukes's wagon to collect. Vicente and Joe did not make piles; they topped; and Joe boasted that he was faster than his father as he slashed away with the topping knife. "It looks like you'd cut yourself, holding it on your knee like you do!" Grandma cried as she watched him one day. "Not me!" bragged Joe. "Other kids does."

On all sides arose the squeaky voices of the auctioneers announcing the bids of the purchasers of human flesh. The merchants bragged their slaves in the Roman tongue, and invited the purchaser into their booths. Several customers entered to inspect the "horse-dealer's" stock.

"'Cause I didn't hafto," was the snappish reply. "I bet my mama give her the finest present they is," bragged the smaller boy; "I reckon it cost 'bout a million dollars." "Mother gave her a handsome cut-glass vase," said Lina. "It looks like Doctor Sanford would've give Miss Cecilia those twinses for a wedding present," said Frances.

"Go to it!" urged Phil mockingly. "You've got some job ahead of you. You figure out how a rowboat's going to float that load across and let me know about it." "Yes," challenged a new voice, "you do that, and let me know about it too." Mr. Fulton had stepped unobserved through the border of trees and brush lining the river path. "Huh!" bragged Jerry.

Upon this the fair-headed muzhik, rising to his knees, stretches a fist towards the man from Tambov, and exclaims: "Why should he have gone and bragged of his strength, pray?" "Was that a good reason for thrashing him?" "And who are you?" "Who am I?" "Yes, who are YOU?" "Never mind. See that I don't give you another swipe!"

When he returned to Sweden, he not only counted the slaying of Frowin among the trophies of his valour, but even bragged of it past measure, so ruining the glory of the deed by his wantonness of tongue. For it is sometimes handsomer for deeds of valour to be shrouded in the modesty of silence than to be blazoned in wanton talk.

Wylie: "You impress me strongly, Hanford, and I want my associates to hear you. Get your proposition into shape and make the same talk to them that you have made to me." Hanford went away elated; he even bragged a bit at the office, and the report got around among the other salesmen that he really had done the impossible and had pulled off something big with the Atlantic.

But his uncle, the old lord Capulet, would not suffer him to do any injury at that time, both out of respect to his guests, and because Romeo had borne himself like a gentleman, and all tongues in Verona bragged of him to be a virtuous and well-governed youth.