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Meanwhile Claude ought to have seen the deer-park. The panorama from that old ruined 'bower' of cliff and woodland, down and sea, is really unique in its way. 'So is the whole place, in my eyes, said Claude. 'I have seen nothing in England to be compared to this little strip of paradise between two great waste worlds of sea and moor.

We had limited the quantity of provisions, or else, according to custom, far more than could have been consumed would have been collected. A large bower or tent of boughs and flowers had been erected for the chief and his principal attendants, a very elegant, though a rapidly created structure.

I mentioned before, that I had a great mind to see the whole island, and that I had travelled up the brook, and so on to where I built my bower, and where I had an opening quite to the sea, on the other side of the island. I now resolved to travel quite across to the sea shore on that side.

The Spirit of all Things came and bade him sleep, and, after his eyes were closed, tore out one of his ribs and changed it to a woman. When lifted out of the rock the man awoke, and, turning with delight to the woman, he led her to the sea-shore, and there in a forest bower they made their home. There the human race was recreated.

Spencer was about to join him for a chat, when he recollected that Bower and the guide had an arrangement to meet in the morning. With the memory came a queer jumble of impressions. Stampa's story, told overnight, was a sad one; but the American was too fair minded to affect a moral detestation of Bower because of a piece of folly that wrecked a girl's life sixteen years ago.

"Ay, wearier than I," he replied; "for I have been to the Well, and have found rest." "Are you a priest?" asked Philippa suddenly. The monk nodded. "Then come in hither and rest, and let me confess to you. I fancy you might tell me what would help me." The monk silently obeyed, and followed her to the house. An hour later he sat in Philippa's bower, and she knelt before him.

"On her past sins; and preparing new ones." "For shame! She is no worse than we are. Do you really admire Islip?" "Indeed I do, if this is Islip?" "It is then; and this cottage with the cluster-rose tree all over the walls is Marks's cottage. We are rather proud of Marks's cottage," said she, timidly. "It is a bower," said he, warmly.

It was their "secret place," and Peter had come to sense the fact that its mystery was not to be disclosed. Here Nada had made her little bower, and she sat down now upon a thick rug of balsam boughs, and held Peter out in front of her, squatted on his haunches. A new light had come into her eyes, and they were shining like stars.

And then he mildly inquired if Verty would not like to take a ride. Yes, Verty would like very much to do so. And in five minutes the young man was riding joyfully toward the Bower of Nature. Sad news awaited him. Redbud had suffered seriously from her wetting in the storm.

It being yet full early for my purpose I took to the woods, and presently chancing upon a little stream that bubbled pleasantly 'mid shady willows, I sat myself down within this greeny bower and fell to watching the hurrying waters of this brook and hearkening to its drowsy murmur.