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For just a moment the bookseller hesitated, then said: "I want to shake your hand; you have given me and my friend Rivington a lasting reputation." It was in one of these very bookstores that Freneau met Lindley Murray in the year after the peace was declared. From their first meeting the two were friends.

We have been watching the mails and the telephone and telegraph lines for months, yet all the while Mexico has been sending messages across, telling the U-boats everything they needed to know. We never thought of checking up the advertising in papers in the Mexican mail." "But what about the messages old Mr. Hoff left in the bookstores? Was that part of the plan, too?"

MacDonald probably peddled his spurious first editions down on Front Street for a few hundred dollars to old bookstores unable to afford radiocarbon dating. For awhile he stared out his office window, brooding. The fifty grand just wasn't to be had legally or illegally. And when he recalled Feisel's little gem about the man falling out his office window Philon was definitely ill.

If it makes us proud to go into our bookstores, and see thousands upon thousands of tomes waiting for customers; if our bosoms swell with delight to see the quiet and palatial homes of our cultured society overflowing with the most expensive wall-papers and the costliest articles of virtue; if we take an ineffable enjoyment in the thousand indications of a growing refinement in the midst of us, vaster still must be the pride, the rapture, we feel when we behold our intellect and our culture paying the tribute of adoration to the circus.

That superiority in bookstores which lies with the French over the Americans, should give us pause. It more than overbalances our superiority in country newspapers. And then as we walked about the town that evening in the sunset pondering upon these things we came to the town park.

In need of that kind of vacation we call "change of work and scene," Mr. Lothrop planned a western trip. The bookstores in the various large cities on the route were sedulously visited, and the tastes and the demands of the book trade were carefully studied from many standpoints. The vast possibilities of the Great West caught his attention and he hastened to grasp his opportunities. At St.

There were no bookstores, and but few people who cared for books. So the governor sent for Franklin to come and see him. He showed him his own library, and they had a long talk about books and authors. This was the second governor that had taken notice of Benjamin. For a poor boy, like him, it was a great honor, and very pleasing.

It has broad streets intersecting each other at right angles, lined with handsome, well-stocked stores and dwelling-houses, serving an active and enterprising population of thirty thousand and more. Of these shops, two or three spacious and elegant bookstores deserve special mention, being such as would be creditable to any American city.

There are often particular reasons for seeing some particular book, which was published so long ago that it is not now to be found in common bookstores; in such cases, people come here, and they are pretty sure to find the book in this collection."

I love Rolf, but he doesn't really want to live in this period. That's what he calls it, 'This period. He's happier in bookstores reading about early Scandinavian immigrants." "I was just reading about a Swede who was making cider with a hand press he bought for a quarter when he was 12. It was in the paper this morning. He'd been married 50 years.