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Then Bill Day was suddenly impressed with the fact that the duty of persuading Mrs. Wehle to consent to her husband's execution devolved upon him. "Take keer, boys; let me talk to the ole woman. I'll argy the case." "You can't speak Dutch no more nor a hoss can," squeaked Jeems West. "Blam'd ef I can't, though. Hyer, ole woman, firshta Dutch?" "Ya."

It is a thing indeed very natural and ordinary, to desire to be of the getting hand: and alwaies when men undertake it, if they can effect it, they shall be prais'd for it, or at least not blam'd: but when they are not able, and yet will undertake it, here lies the blame, here is the error committed.

I have heard this Prince exceedingly blam'd, for giving himself up to Despair so soon. That he thereby abandon'd the best and faithfullest of his Friends, and Servants, and left them to the Mercy of the Solunarians; that when all these that would have forsaken him were gone, he had Forces equal to his Enemies; that his Men were in Heart, fresh and forward; that he should have stood to the last; retreated to a strong Town, where his Ships rod, and which was over against the Territories of his great Allie, to whom he might have deliver'd up the Ships which were there, and have thereby made him Superior at Sea to his Enemies, and he was already much Superior at Land; that there he might have been reliev'd with Forces too strong for them to match, and at least might have put it to the issue of a fair Battle.

Such Women as understand something of the distinguishing Opinions of that Denomination they have been bred up in, are commonly thought highly intelligent in Religion; but I think there are but very few, even of this little number, who could well inform a rational Heathen concerning Christianity itself: Which is an Ignorance inexcusable in them, tho', perhaps, it is very often the effect only of the want of other useful Knowledge, for the not having whereof, Women are much more to be pitty'd than blam'd.

From others of the studious band, Ere long he singled me; But only by more close demand, And sterner urgency. The task he from another took, From me he did reject; He would no slight omission brook, And suffer no defect. If my companions went astray, He scarce their wanderings blam'd; If I but falter'd in the way, His anger fiercely flam'd.

I was tryin' to think what I could do to make this house fit fer her to stay in; fer, you see, stranger, they's no movin' on tell to-morry, fer though the rain's stopped, I 'low you can't git that buggy over afore to-morry mornin'. But blam'd ef 'ta'n't too bad fer sech as her to stay in sech a cabin!

And here again I heard the first King exceedingly blam'd for quitting his Dominions, for had he staid here, tho' he had actually been in their Hands, unless they wou'd have Murther'd him, they could never have proceeded to the Extremeties they did reach to, nor cou'd they ever have Crown'd the other Prince, he being yet alive and in his own Dominions.

W'at ye say? Hey, Joe?" "Blam'd 'f 'tain't," said Joe. "That's w'at them rich fellers goes to the club fer? Hey? w'at ye say, Joe? Hey?" "Yes, of course." "Wish I had a club! Better'n this place to go to. Vail, he used to do a fellow good. If he'd 'a' lived he'd 'a' pulled me out this yer, would, you, know.