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She was young, and very pretty, and inspired very tender sentiments in Rapp and E , two aides-de-camp, who besieged her with their sighs, and sent her flowers and billets-doux.

He was kept well supplied with billets-doux, half-faded flowers, bitten apples, and all the stock-in-trade of those intriguing dames whose business it is to fan an artificial passion that vanity has inspired. There is no more seductive bait to young men who value themselves on their personal attractions, than the belief that they have made an impression; they are sure to fall into the trap.

They were the billets-doux which had reached her through the aërial post. She held them tightly in her hand till the mules jangling their bells stood before the door. Longer than that she could not hold them. She fancied she had destroyed them when she had burnt them, but, alas! the burning of those letters was only so much labor lost. But joy always follows after sorrow.

"He gets billets-doux every hour of the blessed day." Peter jumped up excitedly. "This is better," he said. "It's a letter from Langton at Rouen, a chap I met there who writes occasionally. He's been hauled in for this stunt himself, and is to go to Abbeville as well. By Jove, I'll go up with him if I can. Give me some paper, somebody. I'll have to write to him at once, or we'll boss it."

For instance, when strangers, pleased with my carefully practised jeu de theâtre, send fulsome notes and costly bijouterie to my lodgings, praying in return a lock of my hair or a photograph, my griffons, as you facetiously term them, rarely even consult me, but generally send back the jewels by the bearer, and twist the billets-doux into tapers to light Mr. Waul's pipe.

I had observed that the fair-haired sister and he were kindred spirits sympathetic natures, who only needed to be placed en rapport to "like each other mightily" beings who could laugh, dance, and sing together, romp for months, and then get married, as a thing of course; but, should any accident prevent this happy consummation, could say "good-bye" and part without a broken heart on either side; an easy thing for natures like theirs; a return exchange of numerous billets-doux, a laugh over the past, and a light heart for the future.

Without the least compunction she broke the seal, grimly scanning its contents from beginning to end. If there was anything under the sun the madame abominated it was love-letters. It was an established fact that no tender billets-doux found their way from the academy; the argus-eyed madame was too watchful for that. With a lowering brow, she gave the bell-rope a hasty pull.

The brain that planned the two murders here, that stole and restored Mrs. Rheinholdt's jewels, that sends us those little billets-doux from time to time, is quite capable of finding a way out of a jerry-built garage." The Professor sniffed. He turned once more to Lenora. "Young lady," he said, "I will ask you this.

The Fellow had a very good Person, and there are very many Women that think no further than the Outside of a Gentleman: besides which, he was almost as learned a Man as the Colonel himself: I say, thus qualified, the Fellow could scrawl Billets-doux so well, and furnish a Conversation on the common Topicks, that he had, as they call it, a great deal of good Business on his Hands.

When the Duc de Richelieu was shown his letter to Alberoni, he confessed all that concerned himself, but would not disclose his accomplices. Nothing but billets-doux were found in his writing-case. Alberoni in this affair trusted a man who had formerly been in his service, but who is now a spy of my son's.