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She looked bewitchingly charming, with the loose hair straying from under the crushed white silk handkerchief about her head; there was soft laughter in her eyes; her words were as bright as the first rays of sunrise that shone in through the windows, pouring a flood of gold upon such charming poverty. Not that the room was squalid.

"I don't know that," said Richard, for the contrast in her attire to those shooting eyes and lips, aired her sex bewitchingly. "What! you think I don't do it well?" "Charming! but I can't forget..." "Now that is too bad!" she pouted.

Surely, surely he himself had clothed the expression in a totally different, a hundred times warmer form. How bewitchingly he, the great Emperor, understood how to flatter, and, with the memory of the charm of his manner, the thought of the blissful hours which she had enjoyed through his love returned to her mind.

The girl came running in, her dark eyes flashing, her black hair bewitchingly tangled, and her cheeks flushing with a colour hitherto unknown to the mountain. "What now, pap?" "I wuz thes a-thinkin' ef maybe you oughtn't to bresh up an' start to school down in Gullettsville." "O pap!" the girl exclaimed, clapping her hands with delight.

But French counts, they say, make love delightfully in broken English; and what hindered the doctor from doing the same in dulcet Tahitian. So at it he went. "Ah!" said he, smiling bewitchingly, "oee mickonaree; oee ready Biblee?" No answer; not even a look. "Ah I matai! very goody ready Biblee mickonaree." Loo, without stirring, began reading, in a low tone, to herself.

Gila stood bewitchingly childish in the great gold room, and shyly asked if he would like to go to the library, where it was cozier. The red light glowed across the hall, and he turned from it with a shudder of remembrance. The glow seemed to beat upon his nerves like something striking his eyeballs.

DEAR M., As the programme announced this morning that there was to be a chasse a tir this afternoon, I put on my green costume brought for this purpose. The Empress appeared also in a green dress, with a coquettish three- cornered hat trimmed with gold braid, and looked bewitchingly beautiful; the Emperor wore a shooting suit with leather gaiters, as did all the gentlemen.

How do you and Miss Effie justify yourselves in looking so bewitchingly alike?" "You notice it, then?" Mrs. Bowen seemed delighted. "I did every moment you were together to-day. You don't mind my having been so personal in my observations?" "Oh, not at all," said Mrs. Bowen, and Colville laughed.

The fact turned out to be that, never having seen any woman so wonderfully and bewitchingly beautiful before, the natives had crowded uninvited into the cottage, and there, seated on their hams round the walls, quietly gazed at her to their hearts' content utterly ignorant of the fact that they were violating the rules of polite society!

Her nut-brown hair framed a sweetly pretty face, and her clear blue eyes and red lips, slightly parted, smiled bewitchingly at the men beneath. The camera in her hands added a holiday aspect to her appearance, an aspect which was unutterably disquieting in its relation to the muttered forebodings she had broken in on.