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Then Bella's father had to hear what had happened, and said his daughter had done well. "To think," said Wilfer, looking round the office, "that anything of a tender nature should come off here is what tickles me." A few weeks later and Bella and her father went out early one morning and took the steamer to Greenwich.

Her mother, too, learned a and b very effectually by this examination of Bella's work. Mary Erskine selected the two best letters which Bella had made, one of each kind, and rubbed out all the rest with a cloth. She then put up the board in a conspicuous place upon a shelf, where the two good letters could be seen by all in the room.

But Tom and Colonel Marchand held her by either hand. "Easy, young one!" advised Captain Cameron. "I never meant to do no harm, Miss!" cried Bella. "I I just wanted to see how I'd look in them clothes. I never do have anything decent to wear." "Why, my dear, don't mind about that," said Ruth, taking the lathlike girl in her arms.

For a long space Bella's vacant gaze rested on the sea horizon. Martha ventured no mere voice expression of the sympathy that moistened her own eyes. "And I rode on that day, up the old bad trail along the Hamakua coast," Bella resumed, with a voice at first singularly dry and harsh. "That first day was not so hard. I was numb.

"Che bella gioventu che bella gioventu!" "And lately," he added, "America has been discovered." He toiled fourteen hours a day, and he was 83 years old.

The counting-house of Chicksey, Veneering, and Stobbles was pointed out by an elderly female accustomed to the care of offices, who dropped upon Bella out of a public-house, wiping her mouth, and accounted for its humidity on natural principles well known to the physical sciences, by explaining that she had looked in at the door to see what o'clock it was.

Flannigan is going for my clothes as soon as he lights the the lamp, and somebody ought to watch the stairs." That was all there was to it. I said I would guard the steps, and Flannigan, having ignited the combination, whatever it was, went downstairs. How was I to know that Bella would come up when she did? Was it my fault that the lamp got too high, and that Flannigan couldn't hear Jim calling?

'Hold! rejoined her majestic mother. 'I cannot permit it. Cook, in that dress! 'As for my dress, Ma, returned Bella, merrily searching in a dresser-drawer, 'I mean to apron it and towel it all over the front; and as to permission, I mean to do without. 'YOU cook? said Mrs Wilfer. 'YOU, who never cooked when you were at home?

"Bella," she said severely, "you said you loathed him. You didn't mean that." "But I do!" I cried hysterically. "There isn't any word to tell how I how I detest him." Then I swept past them all and flew to Bella's dressing room and locked myself in. Aunt Selina knocked until she was tired, then gave up and went to bed. That was the night Anne Brown's pearl collar was stolen!

"Biddy," said his sister, "why didn't you wire to me? I have taken no rooms." "Oh, that's all right a porter at the station, a most awfully nice chap, put me into a sort of fly and sent me to one of the hotels a jolly good little inn it is and they can put me up. Then I asked for Hillview, mentioning the witching name of Miss Bella Bathgate, and they sent a boy with me to find the place.