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A window was thrown open in a house across the street, and a voice inquired the cause of this untimely uproar. "I wish the Maire," said Léon. "He has been in bed this hour," returned the voice. "He must get up again," retorted Léon, and he was for tackling the bell-pull once more. "You will never make him hear," responded the voice.

The Dresden omnibuses may be cited as models of comfort; one is certain of plenty of room, and there is no occasion to dread either the corpulent persons or the furs and cloaks of fellow-passengers. A bell-pull is fixed in the interior of the carriage, so that each individual can give the coachman a signal when he or she wishes to alight.

Behind him the knob was rattled urgently, to an accompaniment of feet shuffling on the stone; and immediately if he were to make a logical deduction from the rasping and scraping sound within the door-casing the bell-pull was violently agitated, without, however, educing any response from the bell itself, wherever that might be situate.

He thought he would ask the priest to say a prayer at the graves, and he and David set off through the brilliant, rustling autumn sunshine to find the Cure's house. It was next the church, with a high-walled garden behind it. Over the bell-pull in the outer wall was a card on which was written, "Tirez fort." The priest himself came out to them, an old man who seemed weak like his doorbell.

'How Birmingham the whole place does look, thought Mr. Hare, as he laid his hand on an imitation mediaeval bell-pull. 'Is Mr. John Norton at home? he asked when the servant came. 'Will you give him my card, and say that I should like to see him. On entering, Mr. Hare found himself in a tiled hall, around which was built a staircase in varnished oak.

Without any hesitation de Batz turned down the Rue du Temple, and soon found himself in front of the main gates which gave on the courtyard beyond. The sentinel challenged him, but he had the pass-word, and explained that he desired to have speech with citizen Heron. With a surly gesture the guard pointed to the heavy bell-pull up against the gate, and de Batz pulled it with all his might.

She called, no one answered; the bell-pull in the room gave no sound; the windows were high and barred, they did not look on the river, nor the street, but on a close, gloomy, silent yard, high blank walls all round it; no one to hear the cry of distress, rang it ever so loud and sharp.

I could fancy all these things creeping back to visibility as the light grew dim. Someone was irritable in the house, perhaps, and a haunting fragrance of departed quarrels is to be found in the loose door-handles, and the broken bell-pull. Then the blind in the bedroom has a broken string.

An iron bell-pull hung by the side, and below it, on a small brass plate, neatly engraved in square capital letters, they could read by the aid of moonlight MR. BADGER. The Mole fell backwards on the snow from sheer surprise and delight. 'Rat! he cried in penitence, 'you're a wonder! A real wonder, that's what you are. I see it all now!

Zee a big wall zoon as yer get over the bridge." The man staggered on, and crossed the swift river running through the town, and in due course reached the big wall, in which was a doorway with a bell-pull at the side.