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"What is her name?" asked Isabel, paying for a bead pincushion. "Daisy Smith," said her mother, in distressingly good English. "But her Indian name?" "She has none," answered the woman, who told Basil that her village numbered five hundred people, and that they were Protestants. While they talked they were joined by an Indian, whom the women saluted musically in their native tongue.

Bending over her, for he was aware that for good or evil the crisis was at hand, the physician saw moisture bead upon the suddenly smoothed brow, heard a deep sigh escape the parted lips. And then with a movement like a weary child's she drew her arms close and fell asleep.

The cab was still stationary when they arrived in a body. "Here he is, guv'nor," said the messenger boy, removing a bead of perspiration with the rush message. "Here he is, guv'nor," said the non-smoking Bohemian. "What oh!" "Here I am!" agreed George affably. "And what can I do for you?" The smoker spat appreciatively at a passing dog. The point seemed to him well taken.

Before I could finish saying to Thorpe, 'Them mules smells Ingins, half a dozen or more of the darned cusses dashed out of the timber, yelling and shaking their robes, which, of course, waked up the whole camp. Me and Thorpe sent a couple of shots after them, that scattered the devils for a minute; but we hadn't hit nary one, because it was too dark yet to draw a bead on them.

Both women and men were extremely eager for beads of all kinds, the most valuable being the red and blue porcelain for helmets, and the large opalescent bead, the size of a child's marble. The day after my arrival in Latooka I was accommodated by the chief with a hut in a neat courtyard, beautifully clean and cemented with clay, ashes, and cow-dung.

He straightened himself and brushed a bead of perspiration from his face with the back of his hand. Unfortunately, he used the sooty hand, and the result was that he looked like a chimney sweep at work. "Did you put that shoe there, Smith?" he asked slowly. "Yes, sir." "Then what did you MEAN by putting it there?" roared Mr. Downing. "Animal spirits, sir," said Psmith. "Animal spirits, sir."

We cannot be surprised that very little is known certainly about a star so very far off, and yet nearer to us than any of the little points of light which you see so thickly sown over the sky; but we know that he is a great globe, like our earth, only twelve hundred thousand times as large as much larger, I told the children when we were having our lesson in astronomy, as May's curly head was larger than the little blue bead which I put upon it.

The Waiyou prefer exceedingly small beads, the size of mustard-seed, and of various colours, but they must be opaque: amongst them dull white chalk varieties, called "Catchokolo," are valuable, besides black and pink, named, respectively, "Bububu" and "Sekundereché" = the "dregs of pombe." One red bead, of various sizes, which has a white centre, is always valuable in every part of Africa.

In 1827, Wheatstone introduced his 'kaleidoscope, a device for rendering the vibrations of a sounding body apparent to the eye. It consists of a metal rod, carrying at its end a silvered bead, which reflects a 'spot' of light. As the rod vibrates the spot is seen to describe complicated figures in the air, like a spark whirled about in the darkness.

Just then Private Kelly raised his head for a look at the adjacent grove. As he did so a shot rang out over in the grove and Kelly uttered an exclamation of disgust. "Hit, Kelly?" queried Sergeant Hal, stepping over to him. Private Kelly spat out two loose front teeth and some blood. "Ye see what happened, Sarge," retorted Kelly. "It's a good thing the fellow drew a bead on me profile.