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You showed there was some good in dear old Eton still. I wish you had let me know it was coming off. I would have given anything to have seen it from a distance, you know. If it had been the right thing, I would have come and been your backer." There was a general laugh, and then the officers all began to talk to the boys.

It seemed very fortunate to Jack Delancy that he should have such a clever woman as Carmen for his confidante, a man so powerful as Henderson as his backer, and a person so omniscient as Mavick for his friend. No combination could be more desirable for a young man who proposed to himself a career of getting money by adroit management and spending it in pure and simple self-indulgence.

Two forms were conspicuous in it; that of the successful bruiser, and of his friend and backer, the sporting gentleman of my acquaintance. "'His! said the Gypsy, pointing to the latter, whose stern features wore a smile of triumph, as, probably recognizing me in the crowd, he nodded in the direction of where I stood, as the barouche hurried by.

Connie Murtha, you know," he goes on, "the big poolroom backer, and one of the flossiest, foxiest widows in New York." "Then that accounts for the husky wad," says I. "Twenty thousand! No piker, was he? Ask your man who's on the case?" "Rusitelli & Donahue," says Whitey. "Mike's a friend of mine too; but he never talks much." "Let's have a try, anyway," says I.

The racing men within earshot smiled, for the Tout had been a jockey before his license had been taken away for crooked work. "Hello! here it comes," cried Lauzanne's backer, as a fat, red-faced man came swiftly down from the Stewards' Stand, ran to the betting ring, and pushing his way through the crowd, called with the roar of a gorilla: "Al-l-l right! Lauzanne, first! The Dutchman, second!

How he came before the king and, having made obeisance, told him that his name was the Gilla Backer, and then and there took service with him for a year, desiring at the same time that special care should be paid to his horse, and the best food given it, and care taken that it did not stray, whereat the heroes laughed again, the horse standing like a thing carved in wood and unable apparently to move a leg.

It was O-liver who must be saved! And so when Tillotson's backer sat down Jane stood up. "Please, listen!" she said; and the crowd turned toward her. "Please, listen, and stop singing that silly song. I never heard anything so silly as that song in my life!" Before her scorn the chant died away in a gasp! "The thing you've got to think about," she went on, "isn't Tillotson or O-liver Lee.

For Blake was a confirmed gambler, a heavy card-player and backer of horses, and he had the contempt for other people's skill and opinions which seems an inevitable ingredient in the character of brilliant men of a certain type.

Out would come, at length, the poor woman, too curious to see who it was that broke up her monotonous solitude, to call off the dog, who generally grew fiercer as he felt his backer near him, and it was commonly with a feeling as of a bare escape of my life that I finally got into the house.

Dismay would have been a mild name for what the fellows felt when they found themselves outside the building. Of the principal, in a rage they were little afraid. But when the principal controlled his temper he was a man in authority and of dangerous power. After his own meal, and some scowling reflection, Mr. Cantwell set out to find his friend and backer in the Board of Education, Mr. Gadsby.