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"This scheme of the senator's for shoving his son into the race for the attorney-generalship is just about the foxiest thing he has ever put across. You can bet the air was blue in the Transcontinental Chicago offices when the news got there." "What do you suppose McVickar will do?" asked the other. "He will do anything the senator wants him to he's got to.

And if you can arrange to have the scene come off here, as you arranged for the last one ... I have always maintained that the lady with a convent vocation is by nature the foxiest of all women. I don't know why, but she shows it." The usual fashion of teasing Honora attributed to her qualities opposed to a religious vocation.

"She wears the very foxiest clothes that Father can afford to pay for, and when she was going to school she wore them without the least regard as to whether she was going to school or to a tea party or a matinee. For that matter she frequently went to all three the same day. "And that brings us straight to the point concerning you," said Linda. "Sure enough!" said Donald.

Connie Murtha, you know," he goes on, "the big poolroom backer, and one of the flossiest, foxiest widows in New York." "Then that accounts for the husky wad," says I. "Twenty thousand! No piker, was he? Ask your man who's on the case?" "Rusitelli & Donahue," says Whitey. "Mike's a friend of mine too; but he never talks much." "Let's have a try, anyway," says I.

"Isn't dadda the foxiest old thing!" said Billie delightedly. "Imagine him standing there that day in the garden, kidding us along like that! I tell you, when they brought me his card last night after the first act and I went down to take a slant at this Lord Marshmoreton and found dadda hanging round the stage door, you could have knocked me over with a whisk-broom."

And I ran right onto Hank Brown, and he began asking about you right away, Jack, and hinting things and talking about tracks. He showed me where you had waited behind the tree, and where we stood and talked, and he guessed about my bringing cigarettes, even. He's the foxiest thing he just worked it all out and kept grinning so mean but I fooled him, though.