United States or Heard Island and McDonald Islands ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

Allen, he knew, intended in the fall to give up the stage for the infinitely wider world of freight cars; and David wondered whether Priest, the storekeeper in Crabapple who had charge of the awarding of the position, could be brought to see that he was as able a driver, almost, as Allen. It was probable Priest would call him too young for the charge of the Government mail.

Commissaries at that time were allowed to purchase in open market, and were not restricted to advertising and awarding contracts to the lowest bidders. It was reported that Major Seawell had purchased largely of the house of Perry Seawell & Co., Mr. Seawell being a relative of his.

And when the earth began to be again governed virtuously by the Kshatriyas, the other orders having Brahmanas for their first were filled with great joy. And the kings giving up all vices born of lust and anger and justly awarding punishments to those that deserved them protected the earth.

The result of it all was that he found the editor’s strictures on the unlucky poem to be absolutely well grounded, and wrote for The Nineteenth Century ‘Orpheus,’ one of the finest of his later poems. We think it can. And in saying this we are fully conscious of the kind of praise we are awarding him.

I declare it to be my express desire that, in awarding these prizes, no consideration whatever be paid to the nationality of the candidates, that is to say, the most deserving be awarded the prize, whether of Scandinavian origin or not."

The present generation of Chilenos are proud of their country, and as their present excellent President, when awarding me an admiral's pay for the remainder of my life has stated desire to reward those illustrious foreigners who assisted them in their struggles for independence but they have great reason to regret the conduct of those ministers who imperilled that independence, and jeopardised the liberties of Chili for private gain.

He was surprised and not altogether pleased at meeting Andy and his companion. "Why are you not hoeing potatoes?" he asked. "I've got a vacation," answered Andy, with a smile. "Are you out for a row?" inquired Mr. Gale, pleasantly. "Yes," answered Conrad, sullenly. Though Walter Gale had nothing to do with his defeat, he could not quite forgive him for awarding the prize to Andy.

I also earnestly recommend the enactment of a law authorizing officers of the Army and Navy to be retired from the service when incompetent for its vigorous and active duties, taking care to make suitable provision for those who have faithfully served their country and awarding distinctions by retaining in appropriate commands those who have been particularly conspicuous for gallantry and good conduct.

In the silence that followed the finish of the count, and the referee's awarding words, Dick Prescott's voice broke in, as soft and cool as ever: "In fifteen minutes, Mr. Dennison, I'll be ready for you!" Furlong sprang forward to protest. "See here, old ramrod, don't be foolish." "I can handle it as well tonight as at any time," Dick laughed as coolly as ever.

I have no doubt whatever that some of the gentry who swear at large about the evils of missionaries would have been loud in their disgust at the entire absence of drink and debauchery, and the prevalence of what they would doubtless characterize as adjective hypocrisy on the part of the natives; but no decent man could help rejoicing at the peace, the security, and friendliness manifested on every hand, nor help awarding unstinted praise to whoever had been the means of bringing about so desirable a state of things.