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He was conscious of a certain rigidity of action, a certain precision of motion, ascribing them to the stern determination which he had that when he should at last discover the whiskey-happiness in his soul, he would let go with a whoop. "Some hit makes happy, and some hit makes fightin' mad!" Rasba suddenly thought, with much concern, "S'posen hit'd make me fightin' mad?"

The more ancient bridges, however, are of stone and brick; and here and there are strange artificial lakes, partly filled up with the debris of temples that once stood on their banks. Of roads there are but few that are good, and all are of comparatively recent construction. As to its antiquity, two opinions prevail, one ascribing to it a duration of 1,300 years, the other of 2,400.

It would be difficult to imagine an illustration more vivid than this of the error to which I am now referring the common error of ascribing to majorities in democratic communities powers which they do not possess, and which, as I said before, no kind of government possesses, whether it be that of a democracy or of an autocrat.

But when either of the two classes of events is exclusively considered, or the sentiments appropriate to them inordinately cherished, there will be a tendency, in the absence of an enlightened belief in Providence, towards one or other of two opposite extremes: the extreme, on the one hand, of resolving all events into results of physical agencies and mechanical laws, acting with the blind force of "destiny," and leaving no room for the interposition of an intelligent Moral Ruler; and the extreme, on the other hand, of ascribing all events to accidental or fortuitous influences, equally exempt from His control.

Here peasants, ascribing evil supernatural influence to the fall of such a thing from nowhere, went at it with the implements of their craft forks, hoes, and the like and maltreated it severely, finally attaching it to a horse's tail and dragging it about until it was mere rag and scrap.

Go through life without ever ascribing to your opponents motives meaner than your own. Nothing so lowers the moral currency; give it up, and be great. Another sure way to fame is to know what you mean. It is a solemn thought that almost no one if he is truly eminent knows what he means. Look at the great ones of the earth, the politicians.

"Certainly," said Brent, "I don't pretend to care anything about your husband. He'll do as well as the next man. His duties are pretty well defined." Again she was silent. But after a moment dropped back in her chair and laughed uneasily. "You're preposterous," she said; "I can't think why I let you talk to me in this way." Honora may be pardoned for finally ascribing to Mr.

In ascribing to him, then, this conception of diverse, uncreated, primordial elements, which can never be changed, but can only be mixed together to form substances of the material world, we are not reading back post-Daltonian knowledge into the system of Anaxagoras.

He told it well, modestly ascribing every thing to Dab Kinzer; but there was no good reason, in any thing he said, for one of his father's friends to inquire next morning, "Bill Lee, does you mean for to say as dem boys run down de French steamah in dat ar' boat?" "Not dat. Not zackly."

Minna, curious above all things, and delighted to have a romance, tried to extract as much pleasure as possible from it for her vanity and sentimentality; she tricked herself whole-heartedly as to what she was feeling. A great part of their love was purely literary. They fed on the books they had read, and were forever ascribing to themselves feelings which they did not possess.