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Ministers of foreign powers, knowing his habits, tried to hold him at arms'-length, and, to do this, were obliged to court the actual Foreign Secretary, Lord John Russell, who, on July 30, 1861, was called up to the House of Lords as an earl. By some process of personal affiliation, Minister Adams succeeded in persuading himself that he could trust Lord Russell more safely than Lord Palmerston.

So, as the Juliet happened to be a pretty smart vessel under her canvas, and in splendid sailing trim, I thought I would do what I could to keep the stranger at arms'-length, and when the watch was called, a few minutes afterwards, I got the topgallant-sails, royals, flying jib, main-topgallant, royal, and mizen- topmast-staysails all on the old barkie again, and we began to smoke through it, I can tell you.

"Why, that's very clever!" he said, holding it at arms'-length; and then, with great gravity, "I hope you are not a genius, Richard; that would be too much of a fine thing. If you are not, you can be of service to me in my plans." Richard laughingly made haste to declare that to the best of his knowledge and belief he was not a genius, and it was decided on the spot that Richard should assist Mr.

The baby's face is somewhat hard; it is, perhaps, the least satisfactory thing in the picture. The picture is wanting in that totality which we find in the greatest masters for instance, in that exquisite portrait of a mother and child by Sir Joshua Reynolds, exhibited this year in the Guildhall that beautiful portrait of the mother holding out her babe at arms'-length above her knee.

And among the quaintest and most old-world surroundings, mixed with her own wonderful personal notes of luxury, his lady rose from the tiger couch to meet him. His lady! His Queen! And, indeed, she seemed a queen when at last he held her at arms'-length to look at her.

What wonder, when all this was said in his ear with soft, broken sighs and kisses divine, that Paul should feel like a god in his pride! Then he held her at arms'-length and looked at her face. Yes, it was very pale indeed, and the violet shadows lay under her black lashes. Had she suffered, his darling was she ill? But no, the fire in her strange eyes gave no look of ill-health.

She rose and lifted a book from the table, which she handed to him. He took it, and read the title out loud. "Christian's Cross." A strange expression passed over his face. He looked at her, holding the book out at arms'-length with feigned consternation. "And do you have the heart to recommend this book to me, Mrs. Thornton?" "Why not?" "Why, it's religious. Religious books are my terror.

And your horse I will stable with our own, and for quarters, we living Scots men-at-arms fare as well as the dead kings of France, for to-night we lie in the chapel." I dismounted, and he gave me an embrace, and, holding me at arms'-length, laughed "You never were a tall man, Norman, but you look sound, and whole, and tough for your inches, like a Highlandman's dirk.

"Already!" And the young man gave a whistle. "'Time is money! Is that what you say in America? And Madame de Cintre?" he added, with an interrogative inflection. "She did not accept my offer." "She couldn't, you know, in that way." "But I'm to see her again," said Newman. "Oh, the strangeness of woman!" exclaimed Bellegarde. Then he stopped, and held Newman off at arms'-length.

Falve held out for a thrashing as a set-off; it seemed unnatural, he said, to have a belt and a boy at arms'-length. It was outvoted on account of the lateness of the hour, but only delayed. The beds were made ready, and Jack and his masters went to sleep.