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'He wants my place, said Captain Archimbeau; 'and he salves my feelings with a testimonial. 'As for that, sir' the sergeant conceded a grin 'I reckon you won't be far behind us when the trouble begins.

Major Frazer followed, closing his field telescope as he descended. 'What do you say to it? asked Captain Archimbeau, with a jerk of his hand towards the great breach. 'It can be done, sir, Sergeant Wilkes answered. 'Leastways, it ought to be done. But with submission, sir, 'twill be at wicked waste, unless they first clear the hornwork. 'They can keep it pretty well swept while we assault.

'Wilkes is right, said the major, after a pause. 'To take the both of you would be risky; and unless I'm mistaken, Archimbeau, he thinks you will be the easier spared. 'I haven't a doubt he does, agreed Captain Archimbeau, laughing. 'But I do not, sir. The sergeant seemed on the point to say more, but checked himself. 'Well? 'It's not for me to give an opinion, sir, unless asked for it.

For the lads, sir, are young lads, though willing enough; and young lads need to be nursed, however willing. As between you and me, sir' here he appealed to Captain Archimbeau 'B Company is the steadiest in the battalion. But if the major takes away its captain, and upon top of him its senior sergeant well, beggin' your pardon, a compliment's a compliment, but it may be bought too dear.

From his perch half-way up the ruins, Sergeant Wilkes descried Captain Archimbeau endeavouring to rally them, and climbed down to help him. The corporal followed, nursing his wounded hand. As they reached him a bugle sounded the recall. The assault had failed. At the foot of the breach a soldier of the 4th Regiment, mad with rage, foamed out a curse upon the Royals.

I am allowed to pick my men, but I have no wish to spend the night in choosing between volunteers. You understand? 'Yes, sir. You will get a plenty without travelling outside the regiment. 'Captain Archimbeau goes with us; and we thought, Wilkes, of asking you to join the party. 'You are very good, sir. There was hesitation, though, in the sergeant's manner, and Major Frazer perceived it.

At length, and though less than a third of his men followed him, Captain Archimbeau led the supporters up the breach; but by this time the enemy had packed the ramparts on either side. No soldiery could stand the hail of musketry, grape, and hand-grenades that rained upon the head of the column. It hesitated, pushed forward again, and broke some fifteen feet from the summit, like a spent wave.

In the darkness, behind and below, the sergeant heard Captain Archimbeau calling to his men to hurry. One ladder-bearer came clattering up; but the ladders were in six-foot lengths, and a single length was useless.

As he pursued the path, a few dozen yards in rear of his comrades, at a turn where it doubled a sharp corner he saw their hands go up to the salute, and with this slight warning came upon two of his own officers Major Frazer and Captain Archimbeau perched on a knoll to the left, and attentively studying the artillery practice through their glasses.