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She was white around the mouth, and her whole, slim body was aquiver with outraged dignity. There was something queer in Manley's eyes as he looked at her, the length of the tiny room between them. "Oh, I beg your pardon. I remember, now, your Fern Hill ethics.

He came back into this little neglected pocket of the years, where so much fine gold had collected and lain undisturbed, with all his semispiritual emotions aquiver; and, as he watched the mountain-tops come nearer, and smelt the forgotten odours of his boyhood, something melted on the surface of his soul and left him sensitive to a degree he had not known since, thirty years before, he had lived here with his dreams, his conflicts, and his youthful suffering.

Maggie with excited touches tried to improve her setting of the table, aquiver with expectancy and suspense at the nearness of the meeting every nerve of audition strained to catch the first footfall upon the stairs.

He addressed himself to the girl. "Leave that carrion for the buzzards." Rosa looked up to find him leering at her. She brushed the tears from her eyes, crying: "Go away! In God's name haven't you done harm enough?" "Oh, but you're going with me." The girl rose; her face was colorless; she was aquiver with indignation. "Leave me!" she stormed. "What have I done to you? Don't " "Caramba! A temper.

And your presence there this summer freed him entirely from money worries. He even paid me." "Yes," said Kenny, "my money helped him drink himself to death." The doctor sighed. "Oh, well," he said, "that too would have happened just the same." Kenny brushed his hair back dazedly from his forehead and rose. He felt as if he had fallen from a great height and hit his head. It was numbly aquiver.

The one is Michael, who is the commander of all those who come out to destroy sin. The other is Gabriel, who is announced as commander of all those who come forth to help the righteous. Who is that mighty angel near the throne? That is the resurrection angel, his lips still aquiver and his cheek aflush with the blast that shattered the cemeteries and woke the dead.

What he saw at first was a giant cup hollowed out of the surrounding mountains, a cup two miles from brim to brim, the end of the valley itself. It took him a few moments to focus his vision so that it would pick up the smaller and more intimate things half a mile under him, and yet, before he had done this, a sound came up to him that set aquiver every nerve in his body.

Isn't that a man standing up there by that telephone pole? We'll just stroll up that way. Don't hurry. Keep cool. Talk about the drowning." They were halfway up the hill before Courtney moved. Every nerve was aquiver as he raised himself to his feet and looked cautiously about.

"Come with me to the great rock, my bold fellows; daylight shall show thee Rufe where I would have him paying the price, as Sancho has paid!" She glided around the rock, followed by her silent faithfuls, while from the Grove rang a shriek of mortal agony that sent fierce hearts aquiver with terror. "Hell's breath!" screamed Caliban, as the cry rang out. "Have ye devils in the Grove, mistress?"

High above them, white against the winter sky, glimmered the domes of the Sacré-Coeur, looking down in symbolic silence upon the restless city; to the left stretched the rue Ronsard, with its deserted market and lonely pavement; to the right, the Escalier de Sainte-Marie, picturesque as its name, wound its precipitous way apparently to the very stars, while at their feet, creeping upward to the threshold of the church, was the plantation of rocks, trees, and holly bushes that in the mysterious darkness seemed aquiver with a thousand whispered secrets.