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She could come and stay at Besselsfield." Fitzroy's gloom lifted. His aunt was a trump. Surely an invitation to Besselsfield must do the job. But Stewart, though apologetic, was inflexible. He had forbidden his wife to act and there was an end of it.

"I was just passing by and thought I'd look in and see how you all were," said Zeb, with his usual shy manner and apologetic smile. "Come in and set down, Zeb," said the captain eagerly. "I cal'late you've got some news for us." "I don't know," said Zeb thoughtfully, "but what you've got some news that might satisfy mom and me. That is, about that girl Tunis brought to the house."

The man came hurrying and a little breathless, with his salver, at once apologetic and triumphant. My ice was half liquid. Had I not the right to reproach him, in the withering, contemptuous tone which correct diners have learned to adopt toward the alien serfs who attend them? I had not. I had neither the right nor the courage nor the wish. This man was as Anglo-Saxon as myself.

"Oh! my dearest, how stupid of me, I'm so grieved!" Katherine cried. She sat down beside him on the cushioned bench, dropping service books, handkerchief, and violets, in the extremity of her gentle and apologetic distress. "It never occurred to me that you might like to come down. The Newlands people came over to church, and I brought Mary and the two boys back.

Sylvia colored, but her honesty was fearless. "I don't know what a Pullman is," she said. Rose stared for a second. "Oh, a parlor-car," she said. "A great many people always say parlor-car." Rose was almost apologetic. "Did you come in a parlor-car?" asked Sylvia. Rose wondered why her voice was so amazed, even aggressive. "Why, of course; I always do," said Rose.

Pachuca had jumped to his feet and stood between her and the door. His manner was respectful and apologetic. "Señorita, I beg your pardon! Indeed " "It's not necessary," said the girl, coldly, trying to pass him. "No, no, I beg do not go." Then, in a lower tone, "I had a double reason for asking your help. I can be of help to you and to your brother." Polly paused in some surprise.

Lawrence was not given to wearing buttonholes, but he understood the friendly and apologetic intention and inclined his broad shoulder for Miss Stafford to pass the stem through the lapel of his coat. Isabel had not intended to pin it in for him, but she was generally willing to do what was expected of her.

Then came a soft, apologetic voice. "Rebecca!" The spinster made no reply but applied herself to a mathematically accurate adjustment of the top edge of the upper sheet. "Rebecca!" The second call was a little louder than the first, and there was a queer half-sobbing, half-laughing catch in the speaker's voice that commanded attention. Rebecca looked up.

What it was he would not say. They sent his note reluctantly. For a long time he waited in a little room at the foot of the lift shaft, and thither at last came Lincoln, eager, apologetic, astonished. He stopped in the doorway scrutinising Graham, then rushed forward effusively. "Yes," he cried. "It is you. And you are not dead!" Graham made a brief explanation.

His manner was rather boyish and diffident, and wholly apologetic, and the All-in-One glistened in his hand like a razor, or a revolver, or anything terrible and destructive that a startled camp cook might make it out to be.