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They rose immediately, and left the hut. "Now," said Okiok, "Angut may speak. There are none but safe tongues here. My boys are good, but their tongues wag too freely." "Yes, they wag too freely," echoed Mrs Okiok, with a nod. Thus freed from the danger of being misreported, Angut turned to the seaman, and said "I deny that I am an angekok, because angekoks are deceivers.

And so that is the reason you won't be an angekok, is it? Well, it does you credit. But what sort o' things do they believe, in these northern regions, that you can't go in with? Much the same, I fancy, that the southern Eskimos believe?" "I know not what the southern Eskimos believe, for I have met them seldom.

Okiok's further elucidation of this point was so complex that we prefer to give the reader our own explanation. Before assuming the office of an angekok or diviner, an Eskimo must procure one of the spirits of the elements for his own particular familiar spirit or torngak.

"You will make a good enough angekok in time, if you will only attend to what I say, and be obedient. Come, I will explain to you. Torngaks, you must understand, do not always tell all that they know. Sometimes they leave the angekok dark, for a purpose that is best known to themselves. But they always tell enough for the guidance of a wise man "

I do not understand what that means. Another asked, 'Where is he? Drachart then moving his hand in circles around his head, as the old man had done, said, 'He is every where in Silla, but he became a man, as we are. 'Are you a teacher? asked one. 'Yes, I was in the east, replied the missionary. 'Are you an Angekok? was the next question. 'It may be, was the cautious response.

I sat down again on a rib to consider. If I had been a real angekok, my torngak no doubt would have helped me at that time but he did not." "How could you have a torngak at all if you are not a real angekok?" demanded the wizard, in a tone that savoured of contempt. "You shall hear. Patience!" returned Simek quietly, and then went on:

When he stood up and made the announcement, declaring that his torngak had told him that another angekok must be created, though who that other one was had not yet been revealed to him, there was a slight feeling of disappointment, for Eskimos dearly love a musical combat; but when he pointed out that after the ceremonies were over, the singing duel might then come off, the people became reconciled to the delay.

Some days before his baptism he told the brethren, "that he had been an Angekok, and believed what his forefathers said, but now he believed it no more; that he would give up all his former evil customs and follow the Lord Jesus, though he should be persecuted by his countrymen; that he was ignorant, but what the brethren who had come thither had told him of the Lord who made heaven and earth, who had become a man, and shed his blood from love to us, had taken fast hold of his heart he had rejoiced in it, and would forsake all for it.

Ippegoo, who had a good deal of straightforward simplicity in his nature, looked puzzled, and tried hard to recollect what Ujarak had told him. "You will never make an angekok," said Ujarak, with a look of displeasure, "if you do not rouse up your memory more. Do you not remember when I whispered to you in a dream last night that strange things were going to happen?"

A sloop of war arrives to examine the settlement the Captain's report. Jans Haven's voyage to the north interesting occurrences. Lauritz leaves Nain his concluding address. The Brethren propose new settlements disastrous voyage in search of a situation. Liebisch appointed Superintendant. An Angekok baptized his address to the natives.