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"There'd have been trouble, for we were all primed for you," and he waved his hand toward the rocks amid which some cowboys were just arising, picking up the ammunition they had spread out for quick use. "We thought you were Yaquis, and we had orders to shoot to kill," explained another trooper. "And we took you for Indians not exactly Yaquis, for they don't carry lances," said Dick.

"But why do ye serve Wassmuss?" asked Ranjoor Singh. "Because he buys friendship, as other men buy ghee, or a horse, or ammunition," said the Kurd. "He spends gold like water, saying it is German gold, and in return for it we must harry the British and Russians." "Yet you and I are friends by bread and salt," said Ranjoor Singh, "and I offer you all this gold, whereas he offers only part of it!

Though the Allies could blow these towns off the map if they wished, they do not bombard them save for some specific object, as to do so would be to kill many of their own people. Nor does it pay to waste ammunition on individual enemies.

"'Then what have you done that signifies? I said. 'What's the rest of it? "'The rest, 'e says, 'is silence, an' he shook 'ands and went clickin' into Simons Town station." "Did he stop to see Mrs. Bathurst at Worcester?" I asked. "It's not known. He reported at Bloemfontein, saw the ammunition into the trucks, and then 'e disappeared.

It will be remembered that the forward line extended about a thousand yards and consisted of a series of redoubts. A wounded man told us that the redoubts at the east of the line, which had been surrounded by hordes of Saxons and marines for a long time, had been rushed when the ammunition ran out. Our men fought to the end with their bayonets.

They had to depend almost wholly upon their hunters for provisions. It was not attempted in those days to carry in flour, pork and other food stuffs now considered by the traders necessaries. And almost the only goods handled by them in the Indian trade were axes, knives, guns, ammunition and beads.

He looked at her with a wicked grin. This time he had her! "How many cartridges have you?" he asked. She ran for her belt, and counted the cartridges. "Twenty-seven." "So. If you never miss, you'll get twenty-seven grouse. That would mean twenty-seven, meals. One meal a day, twenty-seven days. I'd still be on my back, our ammunition would be gone, and " "Don't!" she cried, in tears.

"I have read about that march," interrupted the old man, "and I know what it meant, with food and ammunition and those big guns to haul. You see, I served all through the four years of the Civil War." "May is the most dangerous time in the Alps, for the snow melts and slides in great avalanches, often catching people with no chance for escape.

Now instead of that, we see our British father making ready to march out of his garrison. Father! You have got the arms and ammunition which our great father sent for his red children. If you have an idea of going away, give them to us, and you may go and welcome. Our lives are in the hands of the Great Spirit.

The "Stand-to" had come as a distinct relief that morning. And always there had been the glowering fires of a score of villages. The greater mass of burning Ypres stood up amongst them like the warning finger of God. Occasionally the roaring burst of an ammunition dump flared up into a volcano of fiery sound.