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His stately edifices were cemented with the blood and treasures of his people, and the rapacity and luxury of the emperor were imitated by the civil magistrates and officials. The schools of Athens, which still kept alight the sacred flame of the ancient philosophy, were suppressed by Justinian.

Its cheeks were swollen, and its whole aspect revealed the spirit of wrath roused at last, and the fire alight in the furnace of the bosom. She tried to smile, but what came was the smile of a wound rather than a mouth. "My poor Amy! what is the matter?" cried Hester, sorry, but hardly surprised; for plainly things had been going from bad to worse. The girl burst into a passionate fit of weeping.

And when the coffee and George's elbows were on the table, and four of his irresistible cigars alight: "And us," he said, "not to get one little puff out of it all!" "Advertisement," said Randal, "is the false dawn of fame. You, Mr. Bruffin, do not, I believe, need it, and will certainly not get it out of the Dope Drama.

The one, erect, royal, with her great steadfast eyes alight; the other, bent and worn, gray-haired and shallow and dumb, crawling feebly through the golden afternoon sunshine, as the ghost of a glorious life might crawl back to its grave. Mother threw open the door, and stood there like a queen. "Children, your aunt has come home. She is too tired to talk just now.

We walked ahead of her chair and formed into another line for her to alight. She walked to her bedroom and we all followed. A eunuch brought her a cup of hot water and another brought a bowl of sugar. She took her golden spoon and took two teaspoonfuls of sugar and put it into her cup of hot water, and drank it very slowly.

Wayland answered her with courtesy, and promised to do his best, but said that she would have to blow the bellows to keep the forge fire alight. 'How comes it that these bellows are sprinkled with blood? asked Banvilda. 'It is the blood of two young sea dogs, answered Wayland; 'they troubled me for long, but I caught them when they least expected it.

Immediately she forgot everything but that Allen was on that train and that in a moment more she would see him Then Allen himself, handsome as ever, eagerly scanning the faces on the platform as he jumped from the train the instant the porter opened the door. It took him barely a moment to discover the group of girls, and he came toward them, hand outstretched, eyes alight with greeting.

It seemed to McLean that an angel from Heaven was revealing her blessed goodness. Ryder took the revelation delightedly for granted. "Bully for you, Jinny," he said warmly. "I knew I could count on you." If for one moment a twinge of wry reminder recalled that she had never been able exactly to count upon him it did not dim his mood. He was alight with triumph.

Nor never hath she had any lord, nor deigned to love no knight save she heard tell that he was the best knight in the world. And I will go to her with you of courtesy." "Gramercy, Sir," saith Messire Gawain. They enter into the castle both twain together, and alight at the mounting-stage before the hall.

This gigantic work, the result of the labours of a whole province, and of a people habitually and constitutionally averse to violent exertion, was finished before the government became aware of its commencement. Its origin was most absurd and trifling. An old woman gave out that she had dreamed a dream, and that a deity was about to alight upon the mountain top.