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"Alca kept the body of Chapman, which would be sent back to the City of Light, and cremated in the Temple of Glorification which I have not seen. He intended to accompany it. He sent me on to Scandor. I had now learned enough of the Martian language to speak, imperfectly. That mental facility, which is the amazing and most wonderful thing in Mars, was perhaps more slowly roused in me.

I have asked you to dismiss General Tandem, the commander of Port Alca, who robbed me of fifty louis at cards, and who had me handcuffed when I was brought before the High Court as Emiral Chatillon's accomplice. You would not do it. I asked you for the hay and bran stores. You would not give them. I asked you to send me on a secret mission to Porpoisia. You refused.

"We afterwards went to visit the cabinet of natural history. . . . The care-taker showed us a sort of packet bound in straw that he told us contained the skeleton of a dragon; a proof, added he, that the dragon is not a fabulous animal." Memoirs of Jacques Casanova, Paris, 1843. Vol. IV., pp. 404, 405 In the meantime the inhabitants of Alca practised the labours of peace.

The Public Prosecutor said to the Minister of justice: "Very little is needed for a political prosecution! but I have nothing at all and that is not enough." The affair made no progress. The enemies of the Republic were triumphant. On the eighteenth of September the news ran in Alca that Chatillon had taken flight. Everywhere there was surprise and astonishment.

People were afraid of finding them in the promenades, at meetings, at receptions, in fashionable drawing-rooms, at the dinner-table, even in the conjugal couch. One half of the population was suspected by the other half. The discord set all Alca on fire. In the mean time Father Agaric, who managed his big school for young nobles, followed events with anxious attention.

The following account may be read in the "History of the Miracles of the Patron Saint of Alca" by the Abbe Plantain: "The ancient shrine had been melted down during the Terror and the precious relics of the saint thrown into a fire that had been lit on the Place de Greve; but a poor woman of great piety, named Rouquin, went by night at the peril of her life to gather up the calcined bones and the ashes of the blessed saint.

I am handing over Pyrot to justice as guilty of having stolen eighty thousand trusses of hay." Prince Boscenos, whose anger vanished like a dream, smiled. "Is that true?" "You will see." "My congratulations, Greatauk. But as one always needs to take precautions with you I shall immediately publish the good news. People will read this evening about Pyrot's arrest in every newspaper in Alca . . . ."

A prey to this terrible scourge, we come, O Mael, to pray thee, as the wisest, to advise us concerning the safety of the inhabitants of this island lest the ancient race of Penguins be extinguished." "O chief of the Elders of Alca," replied Mael, "thy words fill me with profound grief, and I groan at the thought that this island is the prey of a terrible dragon.

The session ended with a victory for the cabinet which, amid the almost unanimous applause of the House, defeated a proposal for an inquisitorial tax, and with a triumph for Madame Ceres who gave parties in honour of three kings who were at the moment passing through Alca.

"How do you know that the monks teach this?" asked Kraken. "My friend," answered Orberosia, "do not interrupt a serious subject by frivolous questions. . . . 'If, then, added the monks, 'there be in Alca a pure virgin, let her arise! Now, Kraken, I have determined to answer their call.