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We are in a bell of air, and it is this compressed air which stops the water from rising. This airshaft, without an outlet, is doing for us what the diving bell does for the diver. The air has accumulated in the shaft and now resists the water, which ebbs back." "It is the foul air that we have to fear.... The water is not rising a foot now; the mine must be full...." "Oh, Marius!

Had the Queen of Sheba lived in the flat across the airshaft, Della would have let her hair hang out the window some day to dry just to depreciate Her Majesty's jewels and gifts. Had King Solomon been the janitor, with all his treasures piled up in the basement, Jim would have pulled out his watch every time he passed, just to see him pluck at his beard from envy.

The water was now rushing through the mine in a regular torrent, dragging in its mad course pieces of wood, whirling them round like feathers. "We must make for an airshaft, boys," said the professor. "That is the only place where we might find refuge. Give me a lamp."

"You have never seen me before," I said, "and the first words you utter are those that might well bring trouble to yourself. There is some object in all this." She went and pushed to the massive stone that swung in the doorway of the chamber. Then she put her little jewelled fingers on my garment and drew me carefully away from the airshaft into the farther corner.

And he had been hers for three weeks; and the crook of her little finger could sway him more than the fist of any 142-pounder in the world. Love, when it is ours, is the other name for self-abnegation and sacrifice. When it belongs to people across the airshaft it means arrogance and self-conceit. The bride crossed her oxfords and looked thoughtfully at the distemper Cupids on the ceiling.

I did that, and for an instant felt her fondle them down the crook of the airshaft out of sight, and then heard her withdraw her little hand and kiss it fondly. Then again she kissed her own fingers and stretched them up, and I took up the virtue of that parting kiss on my finger-tips and pressed it sacredly to my lips. "Living, sleeping, or dead, always my darling," she whispered.

"'A-playing of my flute into the airshaft, says Patsey Rourke, 'and a-perspiring in me own windy to the joyful noise of the passing trains and the smell of liver and onions and a-reading of the latest murder in the smoke of the cooking is well enough for me, says he.

"Your riddles are beyond me, Ylga, but if there is a chance, let us get on and have this business done." "We are at the place now," said she, with a hard little laugh, "and if you kneel on the floor, you will find an airshaft, and Nais will answer you from the lower end. For myself, I will leave you. I have a delicacy in hearing what you want to say to my sister, Deucalion."

See that window over there? Well, by sticking your head out of it a little way you can see clear to heaven." "THAT window, sir?" "Yes, sir, that very one." "Why, it opens into the airshaft, sir." "To be sure it does. You have to look straight upward, of course, if you want to see heaven, you know. And speaking of the airshaft, I am reminded that it is really quite a picturesque one at times.

I had never before realized that so much discomfort and misery could be contained in those three little letters, MUD. The floor of the dugout was an inch deep in water. Outside it was raining cats and dogs, and thin rivulets were trickling down the steps. From the airshaft immediately above me came a drip, drip, drip. Suicide Annex was a hole eight feet wide, ten feet long, and six feet high.