United States or Bahrain ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

The thought aroused him; the sense of his unworthiness vanished, the blight fell from him; he felt only a throbbing eagerness to see her and to take her in his arms once more before the end. With his head high and his face agleam, he rode into the west, into the heart of the sunset. "What's this I hear about war?" Dolores inquired of her mistress, a few days after their arrival at La Feria.

"Yes," she slowly said, "I think you would do that." She took her things from him, and laid them by the mirror. With a high hand she quelled the excesses of her hair some of the curls still agleam with water and knowingly poised and pinned her hat. Then, after a few swift touches and passes at neck and waist, she took her gloves and, wheeling round to him, "There!" she said, "I have been quick."

"They must be making sure of the submarine." "If they haven't, we're a good target for her now," said Joe, as he noted the lights agleam on their steamer. "They're taking an awful chance, it seems to me." "I guess the captain knows what he's doing," stated Blake. "He must have been signaled from the destroyers. We'll try to find out."

There was scarcely a light agleam in the whole village, and it is not at all a thing to be surprised at that our jackdaw lost his way and had a stumble or two into the icy pools which beset him. He did succeed at last in finding the hut in which he lived, or rather, he found the site of it, for an 18 centimetre shell had burst there in his absence and the hut was not.

Out beyond the barriers of the snow-stifled mountains stretched endless continents and seas inviting his soul. Men of alien races and alien thought trod lands where palm trees nodded along white beaches and where the sea was blue as sapphire. Thousands of miles away were deserts agleam with gold and caravans swinging between the burning arch of the sky and the scorching sands.

Now out from the green Sir Benedict paced astride his great black charger, and behind him his two hundred steel-girt knights and men-at-arms, their vizors closed, their shields slung before, the points of their long and ponderous lances agleam high in air.

About the walls were palings that represented a back fence, along which crawled painted black cats in every conceivable state a rather odd conceit for a cabaret. Although the sun had not yet set, the electric lights were already agleam. On a raised platform three weary-eyed musicians were pounding and thumping out the latest Broadway hit.

Matilda and I decided it an hour ago while you were still asleep. I've telephoned everybody possums and persimmons wait for no man." "How perfectly delightful," said Caroline with eyes agleam with enthusiasm. "Can everybody go?" David had failed to mention Andrew Sevier in his enumeration, an omission that she had instantly caught.

Her mother, lazy, selfish thing, took her from the High School." "My dear Patricia, you are quite violent," protested her mother. "It's true, Mamma," continued the girl, her eyes agleam, "and now she works in the box factory while Captain Jack works in the planing mill. She is in the same class." "And good friends apparently," said Rupert with a malicious little grin. "Why not?

When he appeared finally, there was a good deal of swearing in the air. Daggs reached out and jerked the boy into the center of the group, his light eyes agleam under scowling brows. "See here, you little runt," he hissed, "don't think because the Cap'n's savin' you to kill later, that you're the bloomin' mate of this ship! Come here to the capstan, now!"