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Afy's face turned crimson; she was evidently surprised. But Mr. Carlyle's speech and manner were authoritative, and she saw it would be useless to attempt to trifle with him. "I know he was, sir. A young chap who used to ride over some evenings to see me. He had nothing to do with what occurred." "Where did he ride from?" "He was stopping with some friends at Swainson. He was nobody, sir."

So it is always in my power, apparently without taking the slightest interest in Afy's conduct, to regulate it as I will. At present she believes that my affairs are in a distracted state, and that I intend to reside solely on the Continent, and to bear her off from her Cupidon. This thought haunts her rest, and hangs heavy on her waking mind. I think it will do the business.

He certainly did accost me, like a man flurried out of his life." "Asking if you had seen a certain lover of Afy's fly from the cottage. One Thorn." "That was the purport. Thorn, Thorn I think Thorn was the name he mentioned. My opinion was, that Dick was either wild or acting a part." "Now, Bethel, I want you to answer me truly.

"When you knew that the scandal of Afy's absence rested on Richard Hare, why could you not have said this, and cleared him, on your return to West Lynne?" "It was no affair of mine, that I should make it public. Afy asked me not to say I had seen her, and I promised her I would not.

Jiffin, quite lost in the contemplation of Afy's numerous attractions, unusually conspicuous as they were. "Had I known that you were abroad, Miss Hallijohn, and enjoying a holiday, perhaps I might have done it, too, in the hope of coming across you somewhere or other." His words were bona fide as his admiration. Afy saw that, so she could afford to treat him rather de haut en bas.

Jiffin, Joe Jiffin. How could I ever bear to be called Mrs. Joe Jiffin! Not but Goodness me! what do you want?" The interruption to Afy's chickens was caused by Mr. Ebenezer James. That gentleman, who had been walking with quick steps to overtake her, gave her flounces a twitch behind, to let her know somebody had come up. "How are you, Afy? I was going after you to Mrs.

"You had no views toward her of a different nature?" "None; I cared for her too much for that; and I respected her father. Afy's mother had been a lady, too, although she had married Hallijohn, who was but clerk to Mr. Carlyle. No; I never had a thought of wrong toward Afy I never could have had." "Now relate the occurrences of the evening?"

"I can't talk to you now, for I am in a hurry." The faster she walked, the faster he walked, keeping at her side. Afy's pace increased to a run. His increased to a run too. "Whatever are you in such haste over?" asked he. "Well, it's nothing to you. And I am sure I don't want you to dance attendance upon me just now. There's a time for all things. I'll have some chatter with you another day."

Jiffin, throwing off as best he could the temporary disappointment, was in an ecstasy of admiration, for he set it all down to Afy's retiring modesty on the approach of the nuptial day. "And they could try to calumniate her!" he indignantly replied. But now, one afternoon, when Mr.

Ball, who, being a bachelor, was ever regarded with much graciousness by Afy, for she kept her eyes open to contingencies; although Mr. Joe Jiffin was held in reserve. "They are both committed for wilful murder off to Lynneborough within an hour!" Afy's color rose. "What a shame! To commit two innocent men upon such a charge."