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Ablett I saw at the station? So then we talked it over and decided that I ought to come and tell Inspector Birch. It was just Mr. Ablett's height, sir." Antony went on with his thoughts.... The Coroner was summing up. The jury, he said, had now heard all the evidence and would have to decide what had happened in that room between the two brothers. How had the deceased met his death?

"I wonder if he's giving evidence too," thought Antony. He was. He followed Amos. He had been at work on the lawn in front of the house, and had seen Robert Ablett arrive. He didn't hear the shot not to notice. He was a little hard of hearing. He had seen a gentleman arrive about five minutes after Mr. Robert. "Can you see him in court now?" asked the Coroner. Parsons looked round slowly.

Antony felt quite sure, from what Cayley had said and had hesitated to say, that Mark had been the last to see his brother alive. It didn't follow that Mark Ablett was a murderer. Revolvers go off accidentally; and when they have gone off, people lose their heads and run away, fearing that their story will not be believed.

As the jury would realize, such evidence of identity was not always reliable. Missing men had a way of being seen in a dozen different places at once. In any case, there was no doubt that for the moment Mark Ablett had disappeared. "Seems a sound man," whispered Antony to Bill. "Doesn't talk too much."

If it is true what we've heard." Bill repeated the outline of events of yesterday. "Yes.... And Mr. Ablett hasn't been found yet?" She shook her head in distress. "It still seems to have happened to somebody else; somebody we didn't know at all." Then, with a sudden grave smile which included both of them, "But you must come and have some tea."

That futile little drunkard, eaten up with his own selfishness and vanity, offered his beastliness to the truest and purest woman on this earth. You have seen her, Mr. Gillingham, but you never knew Mark Ablett. Even if he had not been a drunkard, there was no chance for her of happiness with him. I had known him for many years, but never once had I seen him moved by any generous emotion.

I'll tell you everything to-morrow." "To-morrow!" said Bill in great disappointment. "Well, I'll tell you one thing to-night, if you'll promise not to ask any more questions. But you probably know it already." "What is it?" "Only that Mark Ablett did not kill his brother." "And Cayley did?" "That's another question, Bill. However, the answer is that Cayley didn't, either." "Then who on earth "

Why, they had played tennis together. "Now then, Watson," said Antony suddenly. "It's time you said something." "I say, Tony, do you really mean it?" "Mean what?" "About Cayley." "I mean what I said, Bill. No more." "Well, what does it amount to?" "Simply that Robert Ablett died in the office this afternoon, and that Cayley knows exactly how he died. That's all.

"There's always a John Borden at every murder case," said Antony to himself. "Have you ever seen Mark Ablett?" "Once or twice, sir." "Was it he?" "I never really got a good look at him, sir, what with his collar turned up and the scarf and all. But directly I heard of the sad affair, and that Mr. Ablett was missing, I said to Mrs. Borden, 'Now I wonder if that was Mr.

As if that mattered, when " She broke off, and Antony finished her sentence for her. "The Red House is certainly charming," he said. "Charming. Quite charming. And it is not as if Mr. Ablett's appearance were in any way undistinguished. Quite the contrary. I'm sure you agree with me?" Antony said that he had never had the pleasure of seeing Mr. Ablett. "Yes.