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But to have dead leaves, and weeds, and stones off the road brought in day after day, and not be allowed so much as to touch them, and a young gentleman that has things worth golden guineas to play with, storing up a lot of stuff you could pick off any rubbish-heap in a field before it's burned if it was anybody but you, my dear, I couldn't abear it.

"Oh! very well," said Mrs Millett tartly. "Master's master, and he has a right to do what he likes; but if there's anything I can't abear in a house it's a boy in buttons. They're limbs, that's what they are; regular young imps." "Going to keep a page!" said Maria, whose eyes looked a little less round. "Why, of course, girl; and it's all stuff." "Well, I don't know," said Maria thoughtfully.

That I do, indeed. But you shouldn't have talked like that to Mrs. Clifford. Ladies ain't used to such words. They sound worse than they are quite dreadful, to them. She don't know your kind heart as I do. Besides, the look of things is against us. Ain't it now? Say yourself. Sus. I'll go direckly I will. I swear I will. I can't abear her, but I'll do it. I believe hunger has nigh drove me mad.

'Why Good Fridays, of all days? 'That was the day. Ah! every Good Friday I was used to fight feyther! 'My dear child! 'You would if you'd seed the pig that comforble and contented, and know'd what it'd look like in a minute. I'd a killed feyther if I could. 'But why? Surely it was worse of you to want to kill your father than of him to want to kill the pig? 'I dunno. But I couldn't abear it.

Ayacanora only, pleased with Amyas's commendation, went humming on to herself "And heave, my mariners all, O!" Yeo started up from the gun where he sat. "I can't abear it! As I live, I can't! You, Indian maiden, where did you learn to sing that there?"

For I love to see the love in thee. Coom'th over me as the spring do, though I be naigh three score. Now, Jan, I will tell thee one thing, can't abear to zee thee vretting so. Hould thee head down, same as they pegs do. So I bent my head quite close to her; and she whispered in my ear, 'Goo of a marning, thee girt soft. Her can't get out of an avening now, her hath zent word to me, to tull 'ee.

Peggotty, smoothing her rich hair with his great hard hand, 'that it can't abear the sorrer of this. It's nat'ral in young folk, Mas'r Davy, when they're new to these here trials, and timid, like my little bird, it's nat'ral. She clung the closer to him, but neither lifted up her face, nor spoke a word. 'It's getting late, my dear, said Mr. Peggotty, 'and here's Ham come fur to take you home.

Towards these objects Mrs Gamp raised her eyes in satisfaction when she had arranged the tea-board, and had concluded her arrangements for the reception of Betsey Prig, even unto the setting forth of two pounds of Newcastle salmon, intensely pickled. 'There! Now drat you, Betsey, don't be long! said Mrs Gamp, apostrophizing her absent friend. 'For I can't abear to wait, I do assure you.

The messenger passed his hand over his hair with a gesture of embarrassment. "It's a ridicklus affair," he said, with a contemptuous laugh. "If I had been Mr. Weiss, I wouldn't have had nothing to do with it. The sick gentleman, Mr. Graves, is one of them people what can't abear doctors. He's been ailing now for a week or two, but nothing would induce him to see a doctor. Mr.

For there's no use speaking ill on t' dead; an' though I couldn't abear his coming for iver about t' house, he were a rare good specksioneer, as I've been told. 'But how do you know he was drowned? said Philip, feeling guiltily disappointed at his aunt's story. 'Why, lad!