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"A-eating and a-drinking of a honest man's dinner, by the Lord!" says he, clenching fat fists. "O ecod a hell-fire rogue a very lousy, scurvy dog as shall be carted and whipped and set in Sir Richard's new pillory!" "If there is aught left to eat," says I, "show it me!" "As fine a capon as was ever plucked, by the Lord!" he groaned. "Most true!" says I, stretching myself in the hay.

"Hem!" she said, "this, sir, is a pleasure as I little expected, and I well knows that it is not what you or the likes is accustomed to, a-eating of dinners and teas with old women; which I hopes, sir, how as you will put up with it, seeing how as the habits of this house is what might, without mistake, be called peculiar, which I says without any offence to Miss Angela, 'cause though her bringing-up has been what I call odd, she knows it as well as I do, which, indeed, is the only consolation I has to offer, being right sure, as indeed I am, how as any young gentleman as ever breathed would sit in a pool of water to dine along with Miss Angela, let alone an old nurse.

Blessed if I ha'n't stood in half the suits of armour as ever came out of Pratt's shop: and sat, for weeks together, a-eating nothing, out of half the gold and silver dishes as has ever been lent for the purpose out of Storrses, and Mortimerses, or Garrardses, and Davenportseseses. Excited, as it appeared, by a sense of injury, I thought he would never have found an end for the last word.

Then seeing that she was finished, with her leg half chewed off, I shot her, or rather I didn't shoot her as well as I should, for the beggar gave a twist as I fired, and now she's bit me right through the hand. I only hopes you won't have to pay my widow for it, Squire, under the Act, as foxes' bites is uncommon poisonous, especially when they've been a-eating of rotten rabbit."

'The pigs is well, said Mr Squeers, 'the cows is well, and the boys is bobbish. Young Sprouter has been a-winking, has he? I'll wink him when I get back. "Cobbey would persist in sniffing while he was a-eating his dinner, and said that the beef was so strong it made him." Very good, Cobbey, we'll see if we can't make you sniff a little without beef.

"Madame," cried Marie, "why don't you marry him? You've got to stop it. You've got to stop it. Anyway, all ways, you've got to stop it. It's a-eating of you up. If you're a loving of him that much, why don't cher?" "Loving of him!" sneered Folly. "I I hate him. No, no, that's not true. I don't hate Lew, poor dear. It's them I hate. And I won't be beaten."

Now, it is well understood by all trades that any unpaid advertisement is worth twenty that have cost money. In this way the men in armour were put down, but they will be long remembered by the world of Bishopsgate Street. That they cost money is certain. "Whatever we do," said Mr. Brown, "don't let's have any more horses. You see, George, they're always a-eating!"

I drops my knife many a time in that hut when I was a-eating my dinner or my supper, and I says, 'Here's the boy again, a looking at me whiles I eats and drinks! I see you there a many times, as plain as ever I see you on them misty marshes.

And the swans upon it," says Phil after further consideration. "What were the swans doing on the grass?" "They was a-eating of it, I expect," says Phil. The master resumes his march, and the man resumes his preparation of breakfast.

"Nothing, Adam, I haven't slept well, lately that's all" "Ah, well! you'll be all right again now, we all shall, now the mortgage be paid off, shan't we, Miss Anthea?" "Yes, Adam." "We 'ad a great day over to Cranbrook, Master Georgy an' me, he be in the kitchen now, wi' Prudence a-eating of bread an' jam.