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'They went forth to go into the land of Canaan; and into the land of Canaan they came. Compare this singular expression with chapter xi. 31, where we have Terah's emigration from Ur described in the same terms, with the all-important difference in the end, 'They came' not into Canaan, but 'unto Haran, and dwelt there. Many begin the course; one finishes it.

Albert arose and went to the window. "Come right along, I 'low the coast's clear," said the Poet. "No, I can not do that, Gray," said Charlton, though the prospect of liberty was very enticing. "See here, mister, I calkilate es this is yer last chance fer fifteen year ur more," put in the driver, thrusting his head in alongside his Hoosier friend's.

Irwin but I shall be back very soon. Don't leave her; go back. And Catherine motioned her back with a little peremptory gesture. 'Doan't ye let 'ur, sir, said the woman excitedly to Robert. 'One's eneuf aa'm thinking. And she pointed with a meaning gesture to the room behind her. Robert looked at Catherine, who was moving towards the outer door.

And before the Babylon of Nebuchadnezzar, and long centuries before Nineveh or Calah or Asshur, there had been mighty kingdoms in Babylonia, of which the world had quite forgot the names, only vague rumors remaining in song or legend of Nimrod and Chedorlaomer and Ur of the Chaldees, only what was preserved in the dimmest records of the Hebrew Scriptures.

Peter lighted another pipe. "I wonder," said he, "how long it'll be 'fore you an' her 'll be clawin' agin. Religion ur no religion, crazy ur no crazy, women is jest the same." When Westerfelt went to bed that night after his talk with Mrs. Bradley about the conversion of Mrs. Dawson, it was with a certain lightness of heart and buoyancy of spirits that he had not experienced for a long time.

In the ancient Babylonian city called Ur of the Chaldees lived the patriarch Terah, who was the father of three sons, Abram, Nahor, and Haran. Lot was the son of Haran, who died in Ur. Terah, accompanied by Abram, Sarai, and Lot, started for "the land of Canaan," but they "came unto Haran and dwelt there," "and Terah died in Haran."

Always roastin' ur freezin'. It'd been different if I'd had any one t' help me stand it. But th' men were always findin' fault. They blamed me fur everythin'. I used t' lie awake at night an' hear 'em talkin' me over. It made me lonesome, I tell you! Thar wasn't no one! Mother used t' write. But I never told her th' truth. She ain't a suspicion of what I've been a-goin' through."

He was gazing up at the pine-clad spur above them. "I helped her down." A little color flushed into his face. "Ah! You supported her? She can walk on it?" "Ur no. I brought her down. I had to bring her. She could not walk not a step." "Oh! ah! I see. I'll hurry on and see how she is." As he rode off he gave a grunt. "Humph!" It might have meant any one of several things.

"He came to Haran and dwelt there," or to give the record in full, "And Terah took Abraham, his son, and Lot, the son of Haran, his son's son, and Sarai, his daughter-in-law, his son Abram's wife, and they went forth with them from Ur of the Chaldees, to go into the land of Canaan; and they came unto Haran and dwelt there."

It has been satisfactorily shown that Marduk was originally a solar deity. His association with Babylon, therefore, must be viewed in the same light as the association of Sin, the moon-god, with the city of Ur, and the association of Shamash, the sun-god, with Larsa and Sippar.