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The uncle's evil career will be sketched in our series of "Bible Heroes." For the present we content ourselves with the remark that no good could reasonably be expected from such a family. Lot's father was Haran, a son of Terah, and brother to Abraham. He "died before his father Terah in the land of his nativity, in Ur of the Chaldees."

After my thoughts had for two years been turned in the same direction, fate seemed expressly to have brought me face to face for the first time in my life with a fact which showed me absolutely unmistakably in practice what had long been clear to me in theory, that the organization of ur society rests, not as people interested in maintaining the present order of things like to imagine, on certain principles of jurisprudence, but on simple brute force, on the murder and torture of men.

It was specially mentioned that his brother, Lot's father, died in Ur, the city of his nativity. Evidently the family belonged there, and were Chaldeans like the rest. I do not cite this as at all a striking discovery, but it did have a curious effect upon Theron Ware.

An' lemme tell you, Young Capn', ef you ur Ole Cap'n doan lemme go wid you, I'se gwine wid dat nigger corpril an' dat white man what 'long to a nigger regiment, an' I know you don't want me to bring no sech disgrace on de fambly dat way no, suh.

How long the supremacy of Ur lasted we do not know. Nor do we know whether it preceded or was followed by the supremacy of Lagas. The kings of Lagas had succeeded in overcoming their hereditary enemies to the north.

George told him: "You do it awfully well, though; so neat." "Call 'im off," Mr. Fletcher moaned. "He'll have me in a minute. He's 'ad a bit off of me calf; he's 'ad a piece out of me trousers. He'll go on. He's a methodical dog ur!" George took a step; caught Abiram's collar. "How on earth did you get up there?" "Jumped." "Jumped! You couldn't jump up there!" Mr.

It was then that Nimrod, the son or descendant of Cush, set up a kingdom in Lower Mesopotamia, which attracted the attention of surrounding nations. The people, whom he led, came probably by sea; at any rate, their earliest settlements were on the coast; and Ur or Hur, on the right bank of the Euphrates, at a very short distance from its embouchure, was the primitive capital.

A female member was quoted as saying that "bacon and eggs are no luxury in Paiforce." Poor dear, she obviously had been a guest of the Officers' Mess and didn't know any better. Fairly near Al Musayyib was the ancient city of Ur of the Chaldees, the reputed birthplace of Abraham.

I don' know whut things air comm' to! 'Pears like all you young folks think about is killin' somebody. Folks usen to talk about how fer they could kill a deer; now it's how fer they kin kill a man. I hev knowed the time when a man would 'a' been druv out o' the county fer drawin' a knife ur a pistol; 'n' ef a feller was ever killed, it was kinder accidental, by a Barlow.

He had raised his hands and was closing his eyes in prayer, when a man rose in the centre of the church. "Brer Jordan," he began, laughing with embarrassment. "Ef some o' de brers ur sisters'll change a dime fur me " Jordan opened his eyes and his hands fell. "Bless de Lord!" he exclaimed, with feeling. "Bless de Lord, one man done claired 'isse'f! Glory, I say!