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El señor Sôme, con las lágrimas en los ojos, se acercó diciendo: ¡Aquí estoy, hijos míos! ¡Tened un poco de paciencia!... ¡Soy yo! ¡Ya me conocéis! Mas apenas hubo llegado el panadero cerca del primer carro, el corpulento carabinero de las mejillas verdosas se reanimó y, metiendo el brazo hasta el codo en el puchero hirviendo, cogió la carne y la ocultó bajo la guerrera.

He was thereafter its literary lion, whose very appearance in the streets furnished an occasion for tumultuous demonstration of affection. The last decade of the life of Lope de Vega saw him seeking no rest or retirement behind the friendly walls of some monastic retreat, but rather was it the most active period of his literary career.

Valera's Pepita Jiménez is perhaps the master-piece of Spanish prose fiction of the nineteenth century, and it shows some attempt at realism. His short stories are fantastic and allegorical, or are translations from other languages. He served his apprenticeship as a writer on the staff of several radical journals.

In this edition of Fortuna some words and sentences have been omitted from the text because they were uninteresting and unimportant. In a few cases expressions have been left out because they were unusual and therefore not adapted to elementary instruction. In the exercises there is an abundance of direct-method material. Each of the exercises consists of four parts.

But among the younger writers there are some who show little French influence, or none at all. These may be divided into two classes: those who write only in pure classical Castilian, and who, if they use Americanisms at all, use them consciously and with due apologies; and those who write freely and naturally in the current language of the educated classes of their own particular Spanish-American country. To represent the first of these two types, Un alma, by Ricardo FERNÁNDEZ GUARDIA,[N] has been selected for this volume of Spanish Short Stories. Juan Neira, by Joaquín DÍAZ GARC

This work won for him the degree of Doctor of Divinity, conferred with other evidences of favor by Pope Urban VIII. Three years later appeared Lope's Laurel de Apolo, a poem of some seven thousand lines describing an imaginary festival given on Mount Helicon in April, 1628, by Apollo, at which he rewards the poets of merit.

Al amanecer del día siguiente, un agente de orden público tropezó con su cadáver entre la nieve. El médico de la casa de socorro certificó que había muerto por la congelación de la sangre. Mira, Jiménez dijo un guardia de los que le habían llevado a su compañero. ¡Parece que se está riendo! =El mejor día=, some fine day. =Me da el corazón que ha de escribir=, my heart tells me that he will write.

In theory she has been a disciple of French naturalism, and some of her novels, particularly Los Pazos de Ulloa and La madre Naturaleza, have somewhat of the repulsive realism of Zola's work. At times she expresses a cold cynicism or a mocking flippancy which detracts from the usual charm of her writings.