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Es curioso observar que el Inglés en todo país extranjero tiene el privilegio de mirar, with reluctance, todo lo social, y encontrar que toda cosa comible es very nice y todo objeto físico, aun la piedra mas insignificante, very beautiful indeed.

De manera que mi despedida de esta noche es definitiva... Les agradezco mucho todas sus atenciones y voy a pedirles un último favor... En vez de volver a Langres, desearía regresar a París por Is-sur-Tille y Dijón. ¿No tendría su hijo la bondad de conducirme en carruaje mañana por la mañana hasta la estación de Very?

No hay inglesote de aquellos que atracan por unos días a la punta del Peón que al hablar allá en Cardiff o Bristol a sus amigos de este spanish town, no comience por levantar mucho las cejas, abrir la boca en forma de círculo perfecto extendiendo hacia afuera los labios, y echándose hacia atrás en la silla no exclame: ¡Oh, oh, oh! Sarrió the yeung girls very, very, very beautiful!

The scene, opening in historic Ronda in the midst of the places made famous by the mighty family of the Guzmáns, then moving north to an obscure town in the Sierra-Morena, little known to the cultured atmosphere in which the play was to be represented, and finally centering in the capital and developing under the very eye of the audience, as it were, just as so many tragedies and comedies, less important perhaps but no less interesting, unfold in daily life about us, gives the play a broader interest than it would have and doubtless contributed powerfully to its success.

The work is devoted to the praise of about three hundred contemporary poets. In 1632 the poet published his prose romance, Dorotea, written in the form of drama, but not adapted to representation on the stage. It is a very interesting work drawn from the author's youth and styled by him as "the posthumous child of my Muse, the most beloved of my long-protracted life."

Zerolo is very emphatic in attributing it to the class of comedias de capa y espada, for he says: "Más que ninguna otra, reune esta obra las circunstancias que caracterizan á las comedias de capa y espada, como embozos, equívocos, etc."

Of his childhood and early youth we have no definite knowledge, but it appears that his parents died when he was very young and that he lived some time with his uncle, Don Miguel del Carpio. From his own utterances and those of his friend and biographer, Montalvan, we know that genius developed early with him and that he dictated verses to his schoolmates before he was able to write.

In general, scenes in which subordinates or common people appear are in prose, while those between nobles are in verse. When the action is of ordinary pitch, this verse is very simple; but when the action reaches a high pitch, the verse form becomes complicated. Examples of this are to be seen in Act III, Scene V, and Act IV, Scenes V and VI.

Habían llegado a la rampa de Very y, como la cuesta era muy ruda, Simón bajó para aligerar un poco al caballo, precisamente cuando el inspector general meditaba sobre la manera de abordar la cuestión tratada el día anterior en Rosalinda. Francisco se quedó solo en el carruaje atormentado por sus tristes pensamientos, pues había también neblina en su corazón.

The French literature, for instance, is more universal and less national than the Spanish, perhaps by the very force of geographical position. Spain is nearly surrounded by water, and on land it is separated from the rest of Europe, excepting only Portugal, by an almost insurmountable barrier of lofty mountains.