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Already the leading lady had made her last entry, decked in the richest costume of her wardrobe; her lover, absorbed by the noble bearing of that woman who, although a humble servant, knew, nevertheless, the pompous farthingale as if in all her life she had not worn any other style of skirt; blind with passion and trampling on the respect due his lineage, had approached her and, beside himself, seizing her hand, had offered her his.

He did not make the Spanish drama so much as he permitted it to be made in and through him, and by so doing he reconciled all classes to himself; he was as popular with the erudite as he was with the masses, for his plays have a variety, facility, and poetic beauty that won the favor of all.

Huvo tablados de Vayles y Comedias al Hospital de los Italianos, puerta del Sol, Calle Mayor, puerta de Guadalajara y en PalacioFamiliar letters domestic and forren. By James Howell, 2nd edition. There are many excellent Poems made here since the Princes arrival, wich are too long to couch in a letter yet.

Since an early date, however, the term has been applied to Spaniards returning to the native land after having made a fortune in the Americas.

These are probably the only editions of the play with which Ticknor was familiar when he made his classification of it, for certainly he could not reconcile it with his definition of "comedies on common life," but he could easily accord it with his definition of "comedias de capa y espada."

For I am siker there be sciences By which men make divers aparences Soche as these sotill tragetores playe, For oft at festis hare I well heard saie, That tragitors within an halle large, Have made to come in watir and a barge And in the halle rowin up and dound; Sometime hath semid come a grim lioun; And sometime flouris spring as in a mede; Sometime a vine and grapis white and rede; Sometime á castill all of lime and stone, And when'hem likid voidin'hem anon; Such semid to every maun'is sight.

His funeral, with the possible exception of that of Victor Hugo, was the greatest ever accorded to any man of letters, for it was made the occasion of national mourning.

The remaining selections are taken from various sources or adapted from English or German. Many changes have been made in all the selections, except in the fables of Iriarte and the story by Fernán Caballero, in order to render the material suitable for beginners. VIII. EL M

Nació en la ciudad de Mendoza el 15 de Julio de 1857. Huérfano desde la primera edad, fue un "self made man"; si llegó a conquistar fama y rango, no fue tan sólo por su talento original y su vasta ilustración, sino también por sus ejemplares virtudes públicas y privadas.

Esta condición de ser el producto de su trabajo, de no deber nada de sus prestigios y de sus méritos conquistados a nadie, será más tarde motivo de su orgullo, un orgullo legítimo, por cierto, que él expresará repetidas veces al decir de sus biógrafos en pertinente y expresivo idioma inglés: "self made man".